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and I had no logical story. He was an attorney I had come to consult? But the
lights in his office were out.
Yet, waiting in the shadows, I knew that I had to go up those stairs, that
what I needed to know might be found there.
Glancing up the street, I saw no one. I crossed to the foot of the steps and,
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ABC Amber Palm Converter,
taking a long breath, I went up swiftly, two at a time. The door was locked,
but I knew something of locks, and soon had the door opened.
It was pitch dark inside and smelled of stale tobacco. Lighting my way with a
stump of candle, I examined the tray on top of the desk, the top drawer, and
the side drawers. Every sense alert for the slightest sound, I worked quickly
and with precision. Suddenly, I stopped.
In my hand was an assayer's report. No name was on the report, no location
was mentioned, but the ore that had been assayed was amazingly rich in silver.
Placing it to one side and working swiftly through the papers, I came suddenly
upon a familiar name.
The name was signed to a letter of one paragraph only ... and the name was
that of Morgan Park.
You have been recommended to me as a man of discretion who could turn over a
piece of property for a quick profit, and who could handle the negotiations
with a buyer. I am writing for an appointment and will be in Silver Reef on
the 12th. It is essential that my visit as well as the nature of our business
remain absolutely confidential.
It was very little, yet a hint of something. The assayer's report I copied
swiftly, and put the original back in the desk. The letter I folded and placed
carefully in my pocket. Dousing the candle, I returned it to the shelf where I
had found it.
The long ride had tired me more than I had realized, and now I suddenly knew
what I needed most was rest. Before anything else, I must conserve mystrengh .
The wounds had left me weak, and although the good food, the fresh, clear air,
and the rugged living were quickly bringing back my vitality, I still tired
Turning toward the door, I heard a low mutter of voices and steps on the
Swiftly I backed away and felt for the knob of a door I had seen that led to
an inner room. Opening it, I stepped through and drew the door softly closed
behind me. I was barely in time.
My hand reaching out in the darkness touched some rough boards stacked
against the wall. The room had a faintly musty smell as of one long closed.
Voices sounded closer by and a door closed. Then a match scratched and a
light showed briefly around the door. I heard a lamp chimney lifted and
"Probably some drunken brawl.You're too suspicious, Morgan."
"Lyelldidn't drink that much."
"Forget him. ... If you were married to the girl it would simplify things.
What's the matter, Brennan cutting in there, too?"
"Shut up!" Park's voice was ugly. "Say that again and I'll wring you out like
a dirty towel, Booker. I mean it."
"You do your part, I'll do mine. The buyers have the money and they're ready.
They won't wait forever."
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ABC Amber Palm Converter,
There was silence, the faint squeak of a cork turning in a bottle, then the
gurgle of a poured drink.
"It's not easy ... he's never alone." It was Morgan Park's voice.
"You've got theSlades ."
A chair scraped on the floor. A glass was put down, and then the door opened
and both men went out. Listening, I heard their descending footsteps. From a
window I saw them emerge into the light and separate, one going one way, one
the other.
At any moment, Booker might decide to return. Swiftly opening the door, I
went down the steps two at a time. When I came back to the street it was from
another direction, and only after a careful checkup.
There was nothing more for me in Silver Reef. I must be getting home again.
Only when I was in the saddle did I sort over what I had learned. And it was
little enough.
Nobody knew who had killedLyell , but Morgan Park was suspicious. Yet he had
no reason for believing that I was even in the vicinity.
Lyellhad denied his presence at the killing of Ball, which might or might not
be the truth. Dying men do not always tell the truth, but his manner when
questioned about Park's presence caused me to wonder.
Morgan Park and Booker had some sort of an agreement as to the sale of some
property which Park could not yet deliver.
When he had said, "He's never alone" he could not have meant me. I was often
It was not much to work with, and riding along through the night I told
myself I must not jump to conclusions, but the man who was never alone could
easily beMaclaren .
Or it might be someone else. It might be Key Chapin. Yet the remark about
being married to the girl would not fit Chapin ...or would
it?Certainly.Maclaren's son-in-law would be a protected man in a well-nigh
invulnerable position.
The more I thought of it, however, the more positive I became that the man [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]