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near the sea. I think myself that we've come north by east through Ix into
Ev and will reach the Nonestic Ocean by evening." Kabumpo paused to peer up
at a rough board nailed to a pine.
"So! You got through the feathers, did you?" sneered the notice in
threatening red letters. "Then so much the worse for you! Beware! Watch
out! Gludwig the Glubrious has his eye on you."
"Glubrious!" sniffed Kabumpo, elevating his trunk scornfully as Randy read
and re-read the impertinent message. "I don't recall anyone named Gludwig,
do you?"
"Sounds rather awful, doesn't it?" whispered Randy, sliding to the ground to
examine the billboard from all sides. "Say, look here, Kabumpo, there's
something on the back. It's been scratched out with red chalk, but I can
still read it."
"Then read it," advised Kabumpo briefly.
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"This is the Land of Ev! Everybody welcome! Take this road to the Castle of
the Red Jinn."
"Oh, that means we're almost there!" exulted the young King, but his joy
evaporated quickly as he re-read the other side of the board. "Looks as if
someone had switched signs on Jinnicky," he muttered, pushing back his
crown with a little whistle. "Do you think anything has happened to him?"
"Probably some mischievous country boy trying out his chalk," answered the
Elegant Elephant, not believing one of his own words. "Straight on, my
dear," he called cheerfully to Planetty, who had pulled in the colt and was
looking questioningly back at them. "At last we are in the Land of Ev, and
just ahead lies the castle of our wizard."
"Oh, Bumpo, how nite!" Planetty hugged herself from pure joy. "I've never
seen a castle, I've never seen a wizard!"
"But Kabumpo," worried Randy as the little Princess of Anuther Planet
galloped gaily ahead of them, "suppose this Gludwig really has his eye on
us? Suppose he rushes out before we can reach Jinnicky's castle?"
"Well, that will not be very `nite,' will it?" The Elegant Elephant spoke
ruefully. "But what can we do? Are we going to stop for a mere sign?"
"No!" declared Randy, feeling about for his sword. "Of course not. But I'll
wager a Willikin he was the fellow who planted those feathers."
"Very likely," agreed Kabumpo, pushing grimly along through the sand.
The further they traveled into Ev, the more interesting the country became
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to Planetty and Thun. Now wild orange and lemon trees added their spicy
tang to the salty air; waving palms edged the sandy roadway; and after
traversing a grove of lordly cocoanut trees, the four suddenly found
themselves facing the great, green, rolling Nonestic.
"A spring!" caroled Planetty, galloping Thun down to the water's edge. "Oh,
never have I seen so netiful a spring!"
"Not a spring, Princess, an ocean," corrected Kabumpo, ambling good
naturedly after Thun. "This is a salt, salt sea, full of ships, sailors,
shells, crabs, islands, fish and fishermen."
"And will I see all of them?" Slipping from Thun's back, Planetty waded out
a little way, hopping gleefully over the edges of the smaller waves.
"Sometime," promised Randy, dismounting hastily to keep her from venturing
too far. "Look over your shoulder, Netty," he urged, drawing her back
toward shore, "and then tell me what you think!"
Explaining this gay, wide and wonderful world to the little Princess of
Anuther Planet Randy found more fun than anything he had ever done or
imagined. Tense with expectation, he and Kabumpo watched as Planetty gazed
off to the right. "Why C4 'tis a high, high hill of red that glitters! Or
what? What is it?" Planetty whirled Thun round so he could see, too.
"It's a castle, m'lass." Kabumpo swaggered down the beach, as if he alone
were responsible for all its splendor and magnificence. "There you see the
imperial palace of the Wizard of Ev, built from turret to cellar of the
finest red glass studded with rubies, and there this night we will be
suitably entertained by Jinnicky himself." [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]