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the door and placed him in the back cargo area of the plane s tail section.
 You better be right, Flaherty said and tossed the bags onto one of the passenger seats. He clambered
into the pilot s seat and reached for the radio.
Aideen stopped his hand.  You don t have to believe me. She shoved the Bloodstone under his nose.
 Believe this.
Flaherty swallowed hard, his eyes blinking rapidly. He gave a short nod and began flipping a series of
switches on the engine panel. Aideen felt the low purr of the plane s engines and gave brief thanks that
Flaherty had somehow managed to replace his four-seater prop plane with something more modern.
She placed her palm against the back of his neck and closed her eyes to allow him to see what the
Bloodstone was showing her. Warmth spread through her arm, into her chilled fingertips and over
Flaherty s skin. The fine layering of hair on the back of his neck bristled at the sudden electricity of her
touch, but then he relaxed and leaned into her hand. He closed his eyes and pulled back on the plane s
wheel. The plane climbed through the fog. Flying on faith, they both kept their eyes closed,
concentrating on the images the Bloodstone brought them.
 You know where you re going? Aideen asked a few minutes later when the plane broke from the fog
into clear blue sky.
Flaherty patted his flight book.  Been ready since this morning.
Aideen grunted and began weaving her way back to the cargo area, the Bloodstone clutched to her
chest. Kean was still motionless, his body secured by cargo nets rigged to form a hammock. Aideen
loosened the nets and tested them against her added weight. Satisfied, she crawled in next to Kean.
Holding the stone to his temple, she lightly ran her fingertips over his bloodied face. He let out a wet
sigh that twisted through her chest.
 You ll find a first aid kit against the back. Flaherty s voice squeaked over the intercom.
Aideen looked above her, saw the kit s box and reached out while keeping the stone pressed against
Kean. She thumbed the kit open and removed some disinfectant pads. She tried to think of something
soothing to hum and settled for Mockingbird while she wiped the blood from Kean s face. His
breathing came more freely, less liquid. As she wiped the last of the blood away, Kean opened his eyes.
His gaze was clouded, unfocused, and she kissed his eyelids closed. She ran the stone over his forehead
and along the back curve of his neck, trying not to remember how his head had snapped back from the
massive blow Muscles had delivered.
 Don t you know another tune? He was watching her, a half-smile warring with a grimace for
 Give me a break, she growled and ran the stone down his spine and over his hips until it was nestled
between their stomachs.
Kean stretched his neck slowly, testing the range of motion. He scanned the cargo area of the plane and
then relaxed against Aideen.  How is it that we re alive and in the back of Flaherty s plane? he asked.
Aideen felt a small arc of power sizzle across her stomach where the stone touched her skin. Kean s
muscles contracted against the stone as the same energy flowed into him. A frown creasing his brow,
he rested his hand on Aideen s hip and leaned into her. Lips pressed against her forehead, he sighed.
 It would be a powerful temptation for anyone, he said. His lips parted from her in a kiss and he tilted
her chin up until their gazes met.  What are we to do with it? he whispered the question, as if he
trusted only her to hear or answer.
 Send it back, she answered.
She shrugged and picked up the Bloodstone.  It knows, she answered.  We just have to listen and
figure out what it s telling us.
Aideen crawled out of the cargo net, taking the stone with her. She went through the curtains that
separated the cargo area from the half dozen passenger seats and the open cockpit. Finding the
backpack where Flaherty had dumped it, she put the stone back into its protective case, Kean s pistol
on top.
 How long until we arrive? she asked Flaherty.
 On the ground in forty-five, he answered.  Another fifteen or so getting parked after that.
She nodded and went back to the cargo area, the backpack slung over one shoulder.
 You look ready to drop, Kean said as he watched her store the bag in a side compartment.
 I haven t been napping the last hour, she teased. He put his arm out and forced the cargo net open
while she crawled in next to him.
 Cold? he asked and rubbed her arms. She nodded and he pulled her closer. Heat radiated from his
groin and she found herself pressing her hips against him.  There ll be time enough for that in [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]