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inside of her. Bruce s hand pressed to the small of her back, and she gave in. That did it, and she
was shaking again with pleasure vibrating through her like electricity. The orgasm followed, and
she screamed as her fingernails dug into Ham.
The men held her, and she heard their shouts of release as she came down to earth.
Looking to Shane, she saw him hard. Bruce got there first sucking his boyfriend s cock. Lolly
kissed Ham and snuggled in for the night. It didn t feel tight anymore; it felt perfect as she rested
her head on Ham s strong shoulder and watched the oral entertainment.
Chapter Seven
Ham woke to the smell of pancakes. Not bad but he d hoped to have Lolly still curled up
on him. She smelled better, even if he were starving for food. Looking over, Ham saw Shane had
stayed pretty much in place with his leg leaning a little but still elevated. Bruce was pressed to
Shane s side for support.
When Ham shifted, Shane and Bruce stirred, as well.
 Morning. Ham swung his legs over the side.
 Feeling better? Bruce asked Shane.
 I m good. She s cooking? Shane inhaled.
Ham nodded.  I think so. We need to get to the bottom of this.
 Do we want to spook her? Bruce asked.
 We should make the move. Ham should move in here with us and Lolly, too. It s the
only house with enough space. Shane flexed his leg a bit.
With Bruce s help, Shane made it to his feet. Putting a little weight on his knee, Shane
was able to walk.  Good as new!
 What s her problem? Ham asked.
 No. Don t get mad or annoyed. Last night was great. Whatever it is, we can work with
it. I m sure her family will want some explanation for why she d move in with three men. Alex
will get the idea and not like it, but she can t tell her mom that. Shane shifted his weight a little.
Calming down, Ham took a deep breath.  We can t lose her.
 We won t, but we have to let her lead for a bit. Find her comfort zone. Bruce patted
Ham on the back and headed out to the kitchen.
Ham was the last to walk in, and Lolly was serving up pancakes wearing nothing but a
Lucky Springs Fire Department T-shirt. It barely covered her lovely ass, and he wanted her more
than food right then. As natural as anything, he moved in and kissed her playfully.
 Hi. Hope you re hungry. I couldn t find any bacon or anything. There s coffee. She
turned back and switched off the griddle.
 We wanted you to feel at home, but you didn t need to work, Shane said.
 Let me feel normal. Waking up with three men isn t normal just yet. She sat down and
smothered a few pancakes with syrup.
 It is for Cassie. Ham sat and dug into breakfast.
 Jessica has four. Bruce smiled.
 Very funny. I don t know how you think this can work. She shook her head.
 I m moving in here, Ham said.  That s a start.
 Your family won t know? I thought you didn t want them to find out you like men.
Lolly stabbed a square.
 That s where you come in. If you move in, too, then we re a couple. And Bruce and
Shane are a couple, and we re just saving money sharing a place. We keep the same hours. If
they guess, who cares. Ham watched her for any reaction, but she was poised and so innocent
 Alex will. Even if my family buys that& That s not the big problem. She filled her
mouth and chewed slowly.
 What is? Shane asked.
 I m sorry. How s your knee? she asked.
 Good enough to walk around. I might need a day or two off before I go on duty. Now
back on topic, please. Shane sipped his coffee.
She sighed.  I understand we can tell people it s two couples, but we re a group.
 Damn right. Bruce smiled.
 If you don t want it, Lolly, you need to just say it. Go. Stop the games. Ham couldn t
take it anymore. He d waited for so long, and he d worried about this reaction. He needed it over
with one way or another.
 Ham, Shane said.
 No, he s right. I ve been waffling and afraid. She rubbed her eyes.  I love you guys. I
don t want to go. I want to be here with you forever. But that s not all I want.
Ham frowned.  We re not going to stop you from working or having all your family
over. We can control ourselves in front of people. We love you.
She shook her head.  I love you too, it s not that. Alex reminded me of something I ve
always wanted. I do want kids soon, not in ten years. I always have. I don t know how you guys
feel about it. That complicates this so much more.
Pulling her out of her chair and into his lap, Ham smiled and kissed her.  That s it?
 It s not nothing. Kids can t see four people waking up in a bed like that. I don t want to
scar them. If one of my kids ends up in a group thing, I don t need to know as long as they re
 But we d figure it out. Shane chuckled.
 I m not kidding. Growing up is hard enough. How will that work? Do you even want to
have kids running your lives? If we re that serious, we need to decide if we can handle it. You
can t return kids or change their world at will without hurting them. How can I do that to you
guys? she asked.
Ham hugged her tight.  You ll run our lives. The kids will make it even more fun. It s not
a problem for me. I want kids with you.
Bruce nodded.  I never thought I d have any myself, but I m all for it. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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