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taken by the rays were to be recorded on magnetic tape. The tapes could then be fed into computers,
which would show the exact place where each cosmic ray had struck and entered the pyramid.
By September 1968, two-million ray tracks had been recorded. Everything seemed to have gone
satisfactorily up to that point, and one of the scientists, Dr Lauren Yazolino returned to America so
that the tapes could be analysed by one of the most up-to-date computers at Berkeley. A few months
later, the new IBM 1130 computer arrived at the Ein Shams University, and the miles of tape
recordings that had been collected at the pyramid, were fed into the computer. The world finally heard
the result of the research from a reporter from the London Times, John Tunstall. He had spoken to Dr
Amr Gohed, who was in charge of the installations at the pyramid site. Dr Gohed admitted that he was
more than just puzzled. Nothing made sense. One day the tapes had shown the cosmic rays hitting the
Chephren Pyramid in one way, but the next day, everything was quite different. The patterns were
never the same. As Dr Gohed said, 'This is scientifically impossible.' He indicated that there is a
mystery beyond explanation. Some force that defies the laws of science is at work in the pyramid. The
known laws of physics had been brought into question.
Now we look a little closer at the Great Pyramid of Cheops. When your razor blade is resting on the
side of the matchbox inside the 150 mm pyramid, you will find that the blade is about one-third of the
way from the base to the apex. There is a very good reason for this. Inside the Great Pyramid, the
King's Chamber is also one-third of the way up to the apex. It just happens to be the centre of gravity.
The material used for the King's Chamber is quite different to the limestone used in building the rest
of the Pyramid. The chamber is made of giant granite slabs, some weighing up to seventy tonnes each.
The Chamber measures seventeen feet, two inches, from north to south; and 10.46 metres from east to
west. It is 5.79 metres high. In the north and south walls are shafts leading to the outside of the
Pyramid. If, as first thought, that the King's Chamber was to be used as a tomb, then why the
ventilation shafts? The dead don't need fresh air.
Inside the King's Chamber is a red granite sarcophagus. This was discovered by a marauder in the
ninth century, Caliph Ma'mun, the son of Harun Al-Rashid of Arabian nights fame. All that he could
find in the King's Chamber was the sarcophagus, which was empty. There were no jewels or treasures
which Ma'mun had hoped to find there. The sarcophagus didn't have a lid, and yet it seemed that one
should have been there. It had certainly been made to take one.
The Caliph and his men discovered a shaft, the top of which was now sealed, although it looked as if
it had been forced open at some time by a force from below that would indicate that explosives had
been used! Dr Duncan Lunan, in Man And The Stars, suggests that someone had already removed the
lid of the sarcophagus before the forced entry of Caliph Ma'mun. Could the lid have been a computer
record which the Pyramid had been built to preserve? Science fiction? Or will it one day be science
The realm of psychic phenomena comes into focus with some stories that have been handed down by
a few people who have spent some time in the King's Chamber. When Napoleon invaded Egypt at the
end of the eighteenth century, he was as fascinated as anyone by the Pyramid. He asked to be left
alone inside the King's Chamber. When he emerged some time later, he was said to have been rather
pale, and somewhat shaken. When he was asked if anything unusual had taken place, he said that he
had no comment to make. He asked that the incident never be spoken of again.
In one of the best contemporary works on the Pyramid, Secrets of the Great Pyramid by Peter
Tompkins writes that Napoleon hinted that 'he had received some presage of his destiny.' At St [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]