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"So am I, Caimbeul replied.
Yren, a russet-haired youth with thick brown sideburns, leaned close to
Caimbeul and sniffed him suspiciously.  You smell odd."
Caimbeul chuckled.  I should. I was struck by lightning when I was twelve."
Silence swept around the table.
"You're pulling our tails, accused Rheu.
"Not at all. Caimbeul signaled for a servingmon.  I ran under a tree in a
storm, that's not a good idea, you know."
Shalto laughed and the others joined in.  What brought you here, Padruig?"
Caimbeul licked his lips.The interrogation begins . Drifting. I heard about
the war and came home. I imagine I'll find employment hereabouts. There's
always work for a good blade in war time."
"You're a soldier? Torquil took a drink from his tankard, studying him over
the rim.
Caimbeul gave an indifferent shrug. Of sorts. I've done some soldiering.
Mostly I've worked as a bodyguard."
Preece's chill eyes were colder than stone. Where?"
The lawgiver met Preece's gaze, refusing to flinch from it.Now there is one
who enjoys killing and has not a single qualm about it. He's probably already
killed at least once. I can almost smell the blood on him. Most recently?
Cherdon'datar.Guarding the king's harem. He prefers two legs for it."
Shalto frowned.  What do you mean?"
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Padruig Caimbeul smiled with a tiny amusement at their ignorance.  He's a
Another laugh ran around the table.
"Nice little set up you have at the camp. I got my wick wet nicely."
Shalto glared at him.  Not here. We don't talk about that here."
Caimbeul nodded.  Then where?"
Oswyl shifted uneasily and nudged Shalto.
"We'll let you know. For now you can keep oiling your rod there, just don't
talk about it to any one."
Shalto gestured and the little group rose as one and followed him out.
Hereward the tavern master came from behind the bar and pulled a rag from his
pocket, wiping the table down where Shalto and his friends had been sitting.
He leaned in and whispered to Caimbeul.  I wouldn't get involved them if I
were you. The Lycamornots are trouble."
Caimbeul frowned. Lycamornots?"
"Them as you've been sitting with. That's what they call
Caimbeul pushed a gold coin to Hereward.  Thanks for the warning."
* * * *
Laetus sat upon the wind-smoothed surface of a small boulder as he read the
letter from Egidius. The sa'necari wore his three braids coated in scented
oils. A greasy strand that had come loose from the left side tickled across
his nose and he flicked it back. That lycan bitch he had warming his bed had
not done as good a job with his hair that morning as she usually did. Laetus
decided to have her beaten for it.
He nodded to the messenger.  Get something to eat. We still have a few lycans
left in our larder."
Zinzi gave him a bright smile.  It's a shame you're sa'necari. Then she
walked off toward the  larder, a small roped off area containing six lycans
chained and spellcorded.
Laetus watched her go.  Vampire slut, he muttered. One day even the vampires
would be forced to bow before the sa'necari. Laetus people would rule the
world. The hellgods would return and the light would be crushed as it had been
in the first godwar before the coming of the young gods of light on winter's
The army comprisedtwenty sa'necari in addition to Laetus, seven Rakshasas,
three Brukulaco, thirteen lamiae, and a hundred human soldiers . Once the
lycans were purged from this valley, humans would be settled in it under a
sa'necari overlord, as well as several large nibari ranches. A few lycan
enclaves might be allowed to exist, but they would never again hold power in
this valley. This time the sa'necari would keep them beaten down like they did
the humans.
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Laetus unrolled a map and laid it out on the ground with some stones to hold
it flat and in place. He summoned his lieutenants and captains with a gesture
and began explaining how they would hit the village from both ends, with a
skirmish line on the perimeters in case any of the villagers attempted to flee
into the nearby forest. This would be pleasant, simple, and over quickly.
This would be his first large scale action. Raiding isolated steadings had
been too easy. Egidius and Malthus had been holding him back for months, not
giving him his own command until now. Laetus would show them both that he had
grown into a sa'necari to be reckoned with.
When the briefing ended, Laetus gestured at a soldier to follow him to his
tent. The dark-haired lycan bitch curled nude on his bed where he had ordered
her to remain. Spellcord bound each wrist separately, blocking her ability to
change shape. Laetus pointed at her as he turned to the soldier.
"Beat her bloody."
"What did I do? she cried out, trying to crawl away from the soldier, who
snatched her off the bed by the arm.
Laetus gave her a look of infinite weariness and flicked the strand of black
hair that had come loose at her.  This is what you did."
The soldier took a small whip from his belt and struck her across the back,
opening a long tear. She screamed.
Laetus folded his arms and watched, laughing as the beating proceeded.  If
you keep displeasing me, bitch, you'll end on my altar."
"Oh gods, mercy."
"You have my permission to enjoy her while we're gone."
The soldier grinned.  Thank you my lord."
* * * *
Malthus strode through the guardsmyn's wing of the manor, down the narrow
stair at the far end and into the salle.
Belgair spotted him.  Going another round with us today, Malthus?"
Malthus crossed to Belgair and clapped the captain on the back.  The only
times in my life that I've missed a day of training was when I was too busy
fighting." [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]