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 What a fucking asshole. Trent clenched his fists, furious at
the judgmental prick who would reject Clay based only on his
 He didn t stick around to explain his reasons. I guess he
thought they were obvious. I went home and thought it over, and I
decided to come here to try to prove to myself that he was wrong.
The only thing I ve proven is that he was right. I am a fem. I m
small, and weak, and silly. I was so stupid to come here. Clay s
voice broke on the last few words. He stopped talking and
swallowed hard.
There was so much pain in Clay s voice and expression, it
made Trent s own throat tighten.  You re not weak, or silly, or
 Oh, come on! Clay burst out.  Look at me! Everything here
is hard for me.
 Did you think it was easy for me? Stuff like this is hard for
anyone who s never done it before. I think you ve done pretty
damned well, actually. Trent stared Clay down until the other man
met his gaze.  You have done every single thing they asked us to
do. If it was hard, you kept trying until you got it. And you haven t
complained one time. Even that mountain man guy in our cabin
 Yeah, about the food, Clay retorted, but he looked pleased.
 It counts. Trent grinned, remembering how much the big
man had whined about there not being enough meat. Now that he
thought about it, there was a lot to laugh about there. His grin
Clay appeared to be battling the urge to grin back.  Okay,
you ve convinced me. I m not as much of a scrawny loser as I
thought. But that still doesn t change the fact that I m an absolute
disaster in the dating scene. I ve got to figure out how to& I don t
know. Man up, somehow, I guess.
Clay rolled his eyes.  I might not be doing as horribly here as I
thought, but obviously I m still not what guys are looking for in a
long-term partner. He held up his fingers as he ticked off reasons.
 I m too short and skinny. Then there s the fem thing.
Trent frowned. How could Clay think he was anything less
than gorgeous? What kind of idiots had he been dating?  Explain
this fem thing to me. I don t see it.
Again, Clay ticked off his perceived flaws.  I m too small. My
eyes look like a freaking anime character s. My mouth s too big.
One guy told me my hands were like a girl s. Oh, and before I
dyed it back to my natural color, and cut it, my hair was too& out
there, I guess.
Clay really believed what he was saying. How many people
had told Clay there was something wrong with him before he
started to believe it? Trent could keep quiet, let Clay continue to
believe he wasn t good enough. If he kept his mouth shut, the
things he d always hidden could stay that way. All of a sudden,
that wasn t a good enough reason anymore.
Trent leaned forward and stared straight into Clay s big brown
eyes.  I don t know who the hell told you all that stuff, but it s
bullshit. You re not too skinny. You re slender. Except for when
you re falling on your face, you move like a dancer.
Clay frowned and opened his mouth to speak. Before he could
say anything, Trent forged on.  Your hands aren t skinny either.
They re elegant. He brushed his thumb across Clay s pouty lower
lip, feeling the sharp intake of breath his movement caused. Clay s
mouth was as soft as he d imagined, and he couldn t help
lingering, rubbing his thumb over it to feel the velvety texture.
 Your mouth isn t too big. It s lush. Sexy. And if anyone insulted
your eyes, they need their eyes checked.
Eyes wide, Clay stared at him. His lip trembled beneath Trent s
touch. His voice was barely a whisper.  Really? Why?
Trent let his hand drop. The scared part of him, the hiding part,
wanted to move away, clear his throat and shake off the moment. If
he played the situation right, they could both laugh off what he d
said and done, or at least pretend nothing had happened. When he
opened his mouth, what came out was,  Because your eyes are
Beautiful. Not the kind of word you used to make someone feel
better, or to describe someone you just wanted to fuck. Trent didn t
normally say things like that to the people he slept with male or
 Trent. Clay s eyes were even more beautiful when they
glistened with emotion. He seemed at a loss for what to say next.
He reached out and stopped just short of touching Trent s arm. His
fingers hovered over Trent s bare skin for a few seconds, long
enough Trent could feel the touch, and then he pulled back.
Before Trent knew what he was going to do, his hand caught
Clay s. It was warm and soft, with long, slender fingers that made
him think of music, or art. It wasn t quite steady, but then again,
neither was his. He brought Clay s hand to his lips and kissed the
 Wh-what are you doing?
 If you can t tell, I must be doing it wrong.
 You re not doing it wrong.
At the soft reply, Trent smiled against Clay s fingertips. The
scared part of him, the part that usually screamed that if he got
caught he was dead, or fired, or whatever, had retreated. Here, in
the forest with Clay, it was safe. Right.  Then the only question is
if it s okay with you. If not, say so. I ll stop.
 But. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]