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the full moon, your wolf will be as solid as you
and me!
 I think we ve been going about this wrong,
Lillian. There is no reason for you to glamour me.
Just glamour yourself and my wolf, I look as
normal as any other guy out on the street.
Lillian eyed Henry skeptically. His dark brown
hair and eyes were normal human, his body was
exceptionally fine human, never had she seen a
human look as good as he did, but still it was a
human body. There was nothing outwardly
Mating Call
different about him, as long as his eyes didn t turn
yellow. It was so different from her own looks. She
was so tall and her hair was a stark white, no
human would have anything like it, her skin was
luminescent, her ears were incredibly pointed and
her brown eyes swirled a bit. There was nothing
about her that said human and they would
certainly see that without needing a second
glance. She envied him a little, his ability to walk
around so unnoticed by prying human eyes. Of
course, if she were a normal elf, it wouldn t be
such an issue for her, but it took more work for
her to throw on a glamour than it did most elves.
 I suppose you re right, as long as you keep
calm and your eyes stay brown, we are good. I
will glamour myself and the wolf, but he has to
stay near me then.
 That won t be a problem. He always wants to
be near you anyway.
Henry s comment made her stomach flutter.
She liked being loved, even if it was by a wolf.
 I m used to being liked by animals it , Lillian
stopped mid-word, her mind flooded suddenly
with a wonderful idea.
 What is it, Lillian? Henry s voice was filled
with concern, matched by the low growl from his
wolf who was suddenly pacing around the room
like a caged animal at the zoo.
Lillian smiled into Henry s eyes, allowing all
Courtney Breazile
her hope to show.  I know how to find her, Henry,
if she is indeed here. She is half-Animal Elf, which
means she will have a connection to the animals
around here. They should be able to tell me where
she is. We have just got to start questioning them.
 Sounds easy enough. Henry s gaze drifted
down to Lillian s still naked breasts.  But I would
suggest dressing first. Glamour or no, I will still be
able to see your naked skin and it will become a
problem very quickly.
Lillian s gaze fell to Henry s crotch, which was
thankfully hidden by his long tunic.  We wouldn t
want that now would we? Perhaps you will put on
some pants?
Once they were both dressed and heading back
down in the elevator, the room was destroyed and
left clear for all to see without her glamour. Lillian
almost felt bad, but then she remembered who
was staying in that room some bastard warlock
who was after daughter, working with that
betraying bitch, Alaria. Then she didn t feel bad at
all about the shredded door.
 I don t think this outfit is going to avoid
attention, Lillian. It s nothing like what a normal
human man would wear.
Lillian assessed the dark brown silk tunic and
pants they fit a little tighter than they would on
Lucas, but still decent, and the color looked
wonderful on Henry.  I don t see a problem.
Mating Call
 Yes well, you are not human, love.
That L word floated between them in the
elevator and neither spoke or breathed the rest of
the way down to the lobby. It wasn t as if he had
said he loved her, but it was there, and now they
were both thinking about it. The awkward silence
ate away at Lillian until it was almost more than
she could handle to keep the glamour going. She
forced the thoughts away, concentrating on the
importance of the task at hand her daughter was
out there, being stalked by a warlock, and they
had to find her first.
* * * *
Henry knew he was doing it all wrong, knew he
was probably driving her farther and farther away
with every move. He was helpless to stop though
and it was her fault. He d gone crazy when she d
flashed into that room. There d been no other
option after that. He d been compelled beyond
control to claim her and so he had. The fact that
she had enjoyed and accepted it didn t change
anything. He was still sure it had been too much,
too soon.
She was so difficult for him to read and her
silence now was making him think he had just
screwed any chance he had been building toward
with the slip of that one word. He had called her
Courtney Breazile
love and now there was tension so thick he was
choking on it.
Great job, Henry, glad you re trying to drive our
mate away. His wolf thought toward him.
Oh shut up, I don t need you to be sarcastic. How
about being helpful here? What is she feeling right
now? Can you read her at all? Henry knew he was
reaching for straws, desperate for reassurance, but
it was worth asking. His wolf could read humans
and other keepers well.
No. Except the obvious tenseness, I get nothing from
her, sorry.
Henry watched her from the corner of his eye.
She was solid and stiff, completely elf, and he
hated it. He hated that she kept it all from him. It
was his job as her mate to make her feel good. It
was his duty as guardian to watch over her when
she took on the feelings of her army. Would she
ever trust him to do either?  Lillian. Henry
reached out a hand and laid it on her shoulder.
She jumped away as if burned.  Henry, please,
I m trying to keep my mind focused on the
mission. All that matters right now is finding
Henry dropped his still suspended hand, anger [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]