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Despite herself, Amber began to waver. Her own faith in silver and her strength
was fading. Rashaun seemed to be pushing at her own magic, capturing the wildly
waving tendrils and weaving them into his own.
 How so?
Rashaun cocked his head at her, such a Wolf move on a human form that Amber
flinched.  Jason? he asked.  This Lone woman. Why has she come out to the desert? I
know you asked her. I got glimmerings of her answer, but not the whole thing.
 So you re not perfect.
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 Hush. He raised a hand. Amber could have spit nails, but instead she shut her
mouth into a tight line and stayed put. Rashaun was bigger than anything she d ever
come across, physically or powerfully, and she needed to get his measure. He wasn t
afraid of being shot. Her magic was weak next to him. What else did she have?
Jason gave Amber an apologetic glance.  I won t say a word if you don t want
me to, his Wolf lips shaped awkwardly. The mouth wasn t made for human speech,
and he was slurring badly.  I m Lone, and I m close to Alpha. He can t make me.
 It s all right, Jason, Amber said gently. He couldn t help what he was. A
mixed-breed with a jumble of powers; she was amazed he had held up against Rashaun
for as long as they d roamed the same desert together.  He knows enough already. You
might as well tell what you know.
Jason rubbed his neck.  Don t shake me again, bastard.
Rashaun raised both his hands in the air.  On my honor as a man and Wolf.
From the way Jason s shoulders raised, he didn t believe that, but he nodded all
the same.  She s come out here to teach the whores, he rasped.  She wants to give
them a taste of her magic. To be a sex goddess and to protect them. Maybe Change
some of them. She wants to be Lone, but she wants to build a kingdom. She s a& 
 Paradox, Rashaun finished thoughtfully. He folded his arms across his chest,
looking at Amber with new interest. How a man could be so casual with what looked
like a permanent erection, she didn t know.
Years of practice, a voice said in the back of her head. Grumblingly, Amber
admitted it might be right.
 Yes, Rashaun went on.  You picked the right city if that s what you want to
do, Amber. They call this Sin City; they re right. This is where people come to drink and
make merry, to dance groin to groin, to get laid with the prettiest thing they can find,
male or female.
He feinted toward her; she jumped back.  However, you don t know your own
strength yet. You ve picked up bits and pieces about handling the power, but you re an
amateur compared to me.
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 So? What are you offering, to teach me?
Rashaun shrugged.  Of course I am. Why else would I seek you out? Do you
even know what you ve done to the Pack you left in Vermont? Word travels fast from
Pack to Pack, and even someone like myself picks up rumors. They ve had the Heat on
them in spells since you left. Fucking like wild things day and night. They ll burn out
soon. No one can keep going forever. They ll die, and you did this to them. You,
Her mouth opened and closed. The burst of power she d let escape to show
Dashika she wasn t all that& it had been a big one. A keg of dynamite exploding as
opposed to the thin streaks of lightning she normally loosed on her prey. Without
anyone to tap their high-running sap, it would multiply each time someone climaxed.
She knew that much. The need would grow and grow until it consumed the need for
anything else.
 I didn t mean to, she said, horrified.  They wanted to restrain me, but they
didn t understand. I pretended to be uncontrollable so they d throw me out. So I could
be Lone and do what I wanted to.
 Instead, you loosed wild magic on them. Rashaun s voice rang out like a whip
crack.  You ll have been their death, Amber. Now tell me -- if I said I had an answer, a
solution, how would you respond?
As if.  I d ask what the price tag said, Amber retorted.  I can fix it myself.
 No, you can t. Not without going back there yourself and visiting each couple
in rut, drawing the magic back into this tangled web you call power. If you did that,
you would incinerate. Rashaun shook his head.  How little you really know about the
mightiness you possess. He toyed with a few more tendrils of Amber s power,
knotting them tightly into his own.  How much you have left to learn.
 And I suppose you re the one to teach me?
 I am, Rashaun said simply.  For a price, as you said. I have no interest in
taking on a mate and forming a Pack. But a man gets lonely. I have Jason, but I prefer
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women, and so does he. Think of how it could be, Amber. The three of us, running free
as we please, but uniting as it suits us to share the power.
 That s your price? Amber lowered her gun.  You want an alliance?
 I do. Rashaun nodded.  A truce between the three of us. A braided cord
doesn t break easily as a single string. If anyone else comes around here wanting to take
a piece of desert, then we take them out. I teach you how to use your magic, and you
can play with the soiled doves all you like.
 And? Amber asked suspiciously.  You said you don t want a mate. What s
that for, then? She waved her pistol at his cock. It jumped when she did so, and
Rashaun laughed.
He bared his teeth.  I said I didn t want a mate, Amber. However, I do want to
mate. With you, tonight. I can be a gentle lover. And if you let me into your power, I
can undo what you ve done in Vermont. There s my price. Quench your own thirst and
hunger with my body, and Jason s, be our third to protect the dunes, and I let you go on
your own.
Amber hesitated. Everything he said made sense, and her need for him was
growing by the moment, but&
 Amber, Jason managed.  Please. Will you join us?
Amber took in a deep breath, trying to center herself, but found a knot of coiled
threads instead of a smooth stone deep inside her soul. The magic flew around inside
her head like a cloud of butterflies. She d lost control. Maybe it was Rashaun, maybe the
news about Vermont; she wasn t sure. But she needed help, as much as it galled her.
And the thought of fucking Rashaun& and Jason& God, that wasn t a bad idea at all.
She could still be free. Could still be Lone. She d just have a few things on the
Clicking the safety back on, she raised her short skirt and slid the gun back into
its inner-thigh holster. An olive branch. Didn t mean she couldn t hurt them, though,
either of them. Just not with bullets.  Funny there aren t any other cars, she said
almost casually.  You have powers you re not telling me about yet, don t you?
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Rashaun tapped his nose.  I might.
 Will you teach me those, too? They might be useful.
He leaned forward.  Is that a yes, then? I won t take you by force. I like my
women willing. I m no rapist, Amber, and I m trying to do you a kindness. Mate with
me tonight, and I ll make good on my word.
Amber met him eye to eye. A shiver of anticipation ran across her.  Yes, she
whispered.  Just one condition.
Rashaun lifted one eyebrow.  And what is that?
 I want Jason, too, Amber said, laying her cards on the table.  Both of you at the
same time. Let s ride this beast together. All or none, Rashaun. Your choice. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]