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He stiffened.
She lifted her head, her gaze meeting his.  All but the parts with you.
Unable to help himself, Aeson lowered his head, his lips finding hers. She resisted
only slightly before her tongue greeted his. Aeson s body stirred to life, his cock
hardening. He wanted this woman. Wanted to push her against the wall and fuck her
until she too admitted she desired him equally.
He drank from her sweet lips as he dragged her against him. She trembled in his
arms, her body pressing tighter to his. It was a sign of surrender. He dragged his hands
over her shoulders and down her arms before stopping at her hips. He squeezed them,
grinding his body against hers as he continued to kiss her.
Shelby held the sides of his face, whimpering as she returned each of his kisses. He
was surprised at her level of passion. She was timid yet fiery all in one. It was much
Aeson eased a hand down her more, resting it upon her bare thigh. Her flesh was
warm to the touch and silky smooth. His cock beat at his trews, wanting free. Wanting
in her. Shelby tipped her head and he kissed her neck, his hand skimming over her
thigh, easing up to her panty line. She stiffened briefly and he waited for a sign it was
all right to proceed.
She surprised him by putting her hand over his and lifting her panties open to him.
Aeson smiled against her neck as he trailed kisses over her. He slipped two fingers into
her panties and was greeted instantly with heat and moisture.
Mandy M. Roth
Shelby ran her hand over his abs and to the top of his pants. She tugged and
unlaced the front of them as she moaned lightly.  Aeson, she whispered, her fingers
entering the top of his pants.
There was nothing between her fingers and his cock. Her fingers skimmed his
distended flesh and he nearly came then and there. He jerked as she wrapped her hand,
as best she could, around his dick. She squeezed and then drew her hand up, seeming
taken with the head most of all.
Aeson stroked the pad of her pussy. He eased open her slit and pressed a finger
into her heat. He met instantly with resistance and halted at once.  Shelby?
She rocked in place, her gaze hooded as she stared up at him, her hand still
wrapped partially around the head of his cock.  Hmm?
 You are untouched.
 Yes, she whispered before kissing his chest.
He caught hold of her, moving his hand from her panties at once. He would not
take her like a savage in this manner. He would make their first joining memorable and
as perfect as she was.
She whimpered as he eased her hand from his cock. He chuckled.  Trust when I say
it hurts me more to stop than it does you, my sweet sparrow.
She leaned against him.  Aeson, touch me.
He stiffened.  I will. You have my word but not here. Not like this. I shall take you
to my home. We will explore every inch of one another there, Shelby. And when you
gift me your maidenhood, I will assure it is with the layer of protection me claiming
you as my mate.
She pushed gently on his chest.  No. No claiming me. Not yet. We need time to get
to know one another.
He grinned.  We shall know every inch of one another before the night is out.
She groaned.  That s not what I meant and you know it.
 So, you wish for me to promise to take your maidenhood but not your freedom?
he asked, amused with her reasoning.
Master of the Hunt
He had no intention of honoring that wish.  Very well. We shall speak no more of it
at the moment. Let us prepare for travel. Yes?
She tugged at her lower lip.  You mean to the bird realm?
He nearly corrected her terminology for it but decided against it.  Yes. Have you
ever been there?
Her eyes widened.  Oh, no. Daddy used to tell us stories about it but he s never
ever taken us there. Well, he almost did once when I was little and got really sick. He
couldn t take me to the doctors here. He nearly took me back home, to your realm, to
your healers. He was afraid it would mean our deaths.
Aeson touched her cheek.  I wish I had known you then. I would have talked him
out of such nonsense.
 So, you re saying when I was little, had he taken me home to your healers, no one
would have punished him for having an affair and children with a human woman?
Aeson thought more upon it.  In truth, our minds had not yet been opened to the
idea. But, that being said, we would have been so taken aback by children, even
children of mixed lineage, that we would have found it in our hearts to welcome you
She gifted him a smile.  Can I tell you something?
 You may tell me anything you wish.
She went to work trying to tuck his long, thick cock back into his trews. He assisted
and refrained from commenting since she seemed to be doing it without paying much
attention to the action it was as if she were taking care of him. Like a mate would.
 I have dreams of a place I think might be the bird realm, she said softly.  There is
this giant castle that is more browns than grays. Behind it there are moons setting. More
than one. I see men flying from the tops of the castle, circling it. There is this large home
off to the side. She motioned with her hands, looking far away in thought.  It s made
of the same stone as the castle. It s tucked into a bunch of trees, making it hard to see.
Mandy M. Roth
Aeson gasped when he realized she was describing his home. She d had visions of
his home?
She lifted a hand.  There is an emblem on the door. It s carved into the wood. A
hawk on a coat of arms. She bit at her lower lip more.  There are other small things but
that s what I have dreams of most of all. Is it real or did I just imagine it?
He hooked a finger under her chin.  It is real.
She smiled wider.  It is?
He dipped his head, kissing her lips gently.  Yes.
 Can you take me there?
 Of course.
 Now? she asked, sounding eager.
He chuckled.  First you must change. As much as I enjoy the sight of you in this, it
will not work for a long flight. It is cold at that height and I am able to warm you only
so much. Since I do not believe you are able to regulate your body temperature on your
own, we should assure you are dressed warmly.
 Aeson, how do I pack for going to another realm? And where in the world would I
even carry a bag? [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]