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He nodded and ran after me. I chanted a protection spell as I ran a perimeter around the house as
quickly as possible. When I got back to the front, I saw the enemy approaching fast as Ferris, Mav,
Tyler, and the man I assumed to be Darcy were standing on the porch.
 No one must cross that line. It will disintegrate anything that touches it, I said quietly as I
joined them. I didn t know how well the enemy could hear.
 Well, that s a nifty fucking trick. The man chuckled as he held out his hand.  Darcy Burke and
you saw my mate Ayden when you got here.
 Pleasure, I said, shaking his hand.
 Everyone is downstairs, Ayden informed us as he stepped out onto the porch.
 You re not, Darcy growled.  Get to safety.
 Kiss my ass. He snickered, checking his gun.  You taught me how to shoot just in case
something like this happened. I can move faster than you guys and I have a few tricks up my sleeve.
Warrior or not, I will not leave my mate to defend our home alone.
 You have a warrior s heart, I said approvingly, earning me a nasty glance from Darcy.
 No one has to die here today, one of the demons snarled as they slowed down.  We just want
the Kappa wolves. His evil red eyes were full of hatred as his gaze darted to each of us before
resting on me again.
 Come and get them, I taunted as I raised my sword.  It will be you that dies here tonight.
 What is he? a demon whispered to their leader.
 So they know about the wolves and Kappas but not that the fae are here, Mav mumbled so
only we could hear.  Interesting. I would love to find out how they know anything.
I nodded my agreement. We needed to take at least one of them prisoner for interrogation. There
was a flash of light behind us and I turned just in time to see the Queen step out through a portal.
 Your highness, I growled as I stepped toward her.  We warn you of danger and you come
here? I laid down a protection barrier. Get to safety.
 And miss the first battle I ve been around in a millennium? she asked, almost giddy with
excitement.  You must be crazy, Asterio. Besides, you know my power is great.
 Yes, but you are too important to let into battle.
 Nonsense, she said with a dismissive wave and headed onto the porch. Well, at least I saw a
few dozen fae warriors had come with her through the portal. We took up positions around the porch,
mine next to the Queen when I saw Mav was standing in front of Tyler.  You are, as they say here,
outgunned, demons. Surrender now and I will make sure your deaths are painless. Fight us and you
will suffer.
 Oh, we re just the first wave, the demon sneered.  Give us the Kappas and we will leave.
 Why do you want them? Tell me that and maybe we can make a deal, she countered. Darcy
growled, but I knew full well that she would never hand anyone over.
 We were told to get the wolves who were helping the vampires, one called out.
 You idiot! She s lying, the leader snarled as he punched the other demon.  Give us the Kappas
or you all die!
 Come and get them, she replied with a smirk.
 I said that before you got here. I chuckled, shaking my head. Good to know that the woman
who d been like a mother to me had influenced me.  We want one for questioning. Mav says they
shouldn t have the information they do.
 I ll see to it. She gave me a wink and waved her hands. Suddenly the leader was up in the air
in some type of protective bubble.
 Attack! The guy screamed in a panicked voice. The demons charged. This was going to be
 Can we shoot through your protection thing? Mav leaned in and asked.
 Um, no. I hadn t thought of that, I admitted with a shrug.  The bullets would disintegrate.
 Hey, I ll take a protection shield over being able to shoot any day. You re very impressive, my
mate. He gave me a wink and I felt like I was the best warrior in the land. I liked that my mate could
make me feel that way. Now if I could only fix what I broke with my other mate.
 Yeah, give him another blow job, Tyler muttered angrily. Yeah, I had a lot of making up to do.
Chapter 8
I shielded my eyes in reflex as the first demon hit Asterio s barrier and screamed before turning
to ash. Oh, that was cool. I was so on board with having the fae around. Not that I hadn t been before,
but I was a little cranky about the way Asterio s blood had affected me.
And I d heard Tyler s snarky comment. We just had bigger fish to fry right then. I could deal
with fixing what I d broken between us later.
It took a dozen more turning into dust before they realized there was some line there they [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]