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his hairs. All the while, her cunt continued to produce a copious flow of saline secretions, making it
easier for the man to enter her. Her nipples were almost agonizingly aroused but the girl knew that within
a few minutes she would find the release she needed.
Donna continued to move, knowing that her orgasm was just around the corner. Her father was likely to
need more time to get his rocks off but the girl was confident of being able to satisfy him. She was
indeed a real woman now, had taken the final step. She could hardly wait to feel her father's huge
throbbing cock explode deep inside her body.
Now the man was fucking her hard and fast, knowing that his daughter was ready for anything he could
deal out to her. His prick moved like a blur, sliding repeatedly in and out of that magnificent box. She
was so smooth and sweet inside that Donald felt like a teenager himself, knowing that he would spill his
penile juices far quicker than was his wont.
Then he felt the girl starting to cum, just as he was getting near his own inevitable explosion. Donna's
cunt clamped down harder on his thrusting prick and then the girl's juices started to flow. Her cunt was
incredible, producing stream after stream of honey, never resting or slowing down for a second.
The girl's orgasm, was long and devastating, draining Donna completely. She tried to relax but found
that it was impossible with her father's prick banging away inside her. It was all she could do to keep up
with the man's pace.
Donald held out for as long as possible, wanting to prolong the experience and also to let Donna recover
from her orgasm. But it was impossible to exert self-control with his daughter. He had wanted her for
too long to do that. He had to resign himself to ending their first fuck with a bang.
Donald rammed his prick in for the last time, feeling it bump against the back of his daughter's vaginal
canal. He could have torn the little angel apart with his weapon but he was still controlling himself. His
prick was red and hot and overloaded with cum. He felt the stuff starting to explode out of him with all
the force of a live volcano.
Donna screamed with passion as she felt herself being filled with her father's cum. It was the high point of
her existence, the thing she had wanted for years. She could feel each drop of cum seeping into her
tissues and then the man stopped cumming, although his prick continued to throb inside her.
A few minutes later father and daughter had got out of bed, knowing that it was time to get to work on
the. wedding preparations. They would have time in the future, all the time they needed to continue their
sexual experiments. All that remained was for the wedding to be over the following day.
Chapter 12
The wedding itself was practically an anticlimax for everybody concerned, with the exception of the
bride and groom. Uncle Larry had insisted on being part of the bridal party, although there was no
traditional place for him. A happy compromise had been struck, although some of the guests found it
odd for Gloria to be accompanied down the aisle by two men, neither of them her relatives.
After the ceremony an informal party was held, with the guests remaining for another two hours. There
was dancing and drinking and general celebration but then it got late and the guests began to file back to
their autos and pickup trucks. By eight o'clock in the evening the Judge family had finally been left alone.
It took another hour to clean the debris and detritus left by the recently departed celebrants. Gloria and
Frank were given an hour off to take a walk in the sunset while the others slaved with mop and broom.
They returned to a clean house, finding their parents and siblings ensconced comfortably in the living
"It's been a long week, son," Donald greeted his son. "But we're very proud of you. You too, Gloria.
Why, I can't help but laugh when I think of your little scheme."
"Don't laugh too hard," Uncle Larry announced, coming in from the kitchen. "I'm not here to be mocked."
For the first time in the three decades of their acquaintance, Larry Parker and Donald Judge got over
their difference. The rest of the family beamed proudly as the two men embraced, their powerful torsos
crushing into one another. Donald patted his wife's brother on the back and promised to keep up his end
of the bargain, forgiving and forgetting past transgressions.
"Larry's going to spend the night with us," Catherine told her husband. "I know you're tired and all but
it's very important to us. We've got a lot to make up for."
"Who's tired?" Donald shouted. "I feel like the party's just started.
Can I get anyone a beer?"
Donald disappeared into the kitchen for a minute and returned with a six-pack of chilled beer. He served
the drinks graciously and then sat down in his favorite easy chair. There was a brief period of tension as
each family member was lost in his own thoughts. It was an unfamiliar situation and nobody seemed to
be able to deal with it rationally.
"I thought we were supposed to be having a party," Gloria said, finally breaking the tense silence. "Shit,
you're all just sitting around worrying about things. I guess it's up to the old decadent city girl to show
you how to have a good time."
Gloria still did not know exactly how to respond to her new relatives. Thinking it best to create some
diversion, she got up and put a rock record on the old stereo system on the mantlepiece. A few seconds
later she was dancing alone, flinging her body from side to side before an eager audience.
Gloria had changed from her wedding dress to a pair of tight jeans and a low-cut blouse, worn as usual
without a bra. She gyrated wildly from one side of the living room to another, playing especially to Uncle
Larry. Soon Donna had joined her on the dance floor and she could see that the others were relaxing a
She pulled Uncle Larry to his feet and soon everyone was laughing raucously in the sex-charged
atmosphere. Another six-pack was polished off and somehow Gloria managed to sneak a few joints into
the picture. It was hard not to laugh as she watched the old folks getting high but Gloria controlled
herself for once in her life, not wanting to give anyone the wrong impression.
Eventually the family members sank back into their chairs, all but Gloria who began to improvise a [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]