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belly button to his groin. He called it his happy trail. My goal stood erect and ready at
trail s end.
Tracing a finger over those fine hairs, I sensed him shiver.
He stepped closer and loomed over me, his half-lidded gaze burning with need.
Without breaking eye contact, I leaned forward and licked his hot, swollen tip.
He shuddered and clenched his hands. I wanted to return his favor, make him
mindless with passion and bring him to his knees.
I wrapped my hand around his base and guided his cock while I made slow, circular
motions with my tongue.
Breathing heavy, he stepped closer again and banged his knee against the tub.  Fuck,
I grinned before slipping him deep in my mouth, and angled my head so he could
watch as his cock slid an inch at a time, until it hit the back of my throat.
He stared as if mesmerized by the sight, his lips slightly parted.
Running my hands over his firm flesh, I grabbed his ass and pulled him closer.
Clenched muscles met my palms. They quivered under his skin like a racehorse waiting
for the starting-gun. Was he holding back? Usually an aggressive lover, Rurik appeared
more restrained tonight. I wanted to tell him not to worry, that I d gotten over being
abused, except I d be lying. Instead, he offered me control and in return, I set the
demanding hard pace I knew he craved.
After a few strokes, each pump elicited a louder groan from him. He thrust his hips a
little, but still didn t touch me. I wanted him to. Our heavy breathing filled the room.
I sensed a brush of fingers on my hair, as if wanting to tangle themselves in my curls,
yet they fell back at his sides. The muscles in his thighs trembled where they touched me.
Yearning screamed from his body.
He slipped into his native tongue of Hungarian. It sounded like he spoke words of
encouragement, however he could have been cursing me for all I knew. The only thing I
understood was my name. With a strangled cry, he pushed his cock to the back of my
throat. His knees buckled to catch against the tub as he spilled his seed.
The sudden movement almost yanked him from my mouth, but with a quick reflex, I
slid lower and didn t release his cock. I felt his clenched muscles under my hands relax.
He slid himself out of my mouth before sitting hard into the tub. The water splashed
over the edge onto the floor.
I couldn t help but grin in triumph.
Rurik leaned his head back.
I stepped out of the tub and wrapped a towel around my body.  I m tired.
 Let me regroup and I ll join you in a second. I have to wait for feeling to return
below the waist. He closed his eyes and sunk lower into the water.
As I stepped across the carpet of our bedroom, a new worry surfaced. I detoured
from the bed and peeked out the door.
Gwen stared back.  I m not taking you anywhere. It s almost dawn, and you have a
black cloud following wherever you go. The dayshift guard needs to 
 Has Tane returned?
She stood straighter and widened her eyes.  No.
 Shouldn t someone go find him before the sun does? I clenched my towel even
tighter. The vision of him twisting around me to take the second arrow haunted my
thoughts. Not even sex drove it away.
 He knows how to survive in the wild, Connie. She gave me a wiry smile.  He was
a vampire before civilizations developed.
Chapter Eighteen
The crack of the whip made me flinch, yet I didn t feel its bite. I tried to run with all
my might, yet my body wouldn t move. Manacles weighed heavy on my wrists, dragging
them to the floor. Blinded by darkness I could hear him approaching, one heavy footstep
at a time.
Terror clutched my soul and squeezed me like a squeak toy until I screamed.
And sat bolt upright in bed. Blankets twisted around my legs as I tried to escape. I
kicked and rolled, only to tumble head over heels off the damn bed. The thump to my
head only fogged my mind more.
My sweat-soaked nightie clung to my body. Weary and exhausted, nothing made
sense. I only wanted to sleep, except Luckard wouldn t let me. I had to run, to hide, then
maybe he d leave me alone.
Without another thought, I headed out the door. A strange man stood in my way, his
eyes wide, hands held up in front of him.
I didn t allow him a chance to capture me and swung a left hook before I lost the
element of surprise. It connected with his chin and the stranger fell, but my knuckles
No destination, no plan or goal, I just needed to flee the sound of the cracking whip.
Rounding a corner, I rebounded off someone heading in the other direction. With
unnatural speed, they pinned my arms to my sides and dragged me down the hall.
I bit, screamed and tried to head-butt my assailant. We came to a pair of familiar
wooden doors where Tane stood waiting.
I knew him. He felt safe.
Released from the man s grip, I raced to Tane s open arms. He d saved me twice, I
could trust him to do it again.
With a slight grunt when I flung myself against his chest, he encircled me in a strong
hug, and kicked the door shut.  What the hell is wrong with you? He glared at me,
 I-I. The whip& and Luckard. Looking around, I realized I stood in Tane s foyer.  I
don t know.
He guided me to a couch in the sitting area. The creepy masks on the wall all stared
at me as if laughing.  Sounds as if you had a nightmare.
I flopped onto the cushion.  Yeah, a pretty vivid one.
Tane sat next to me.  We should check your mental shield.
 Let s not and say we did. I ve had enough of you in my head lately.
 A human is more susceptible in their sleep, Rabbit. This might not be a nightmare.
I swallowed with a dry throat and stared at him.  Then what the hell is it?
 Luckard trying to get into your head. He probably thinks he can slip into my head
from yours through our bond, but I m too strong for that and he s too stupid.
 Okay. The thought of Luckard trying to get inside my head turned my stomach. It
quelled my anxiety enough to allow Tane access to my mind. This was all I needed, two [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]