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quieted down and served the Kamehamehas long and conservatively as
Minister of the Treasury and Chief of the Customs, and acted as
intercessor and mediator between the missionaries on one side and
the beach-combing crowd, the trading crowd, and the Hawaiian chiefs
on the variously shifting other side.
Nor was Lee Barton neglected. In the midst of the dinners and
lunches, the luaus (Hawaiian feasts) and poi-suppers, and swims and
dances in aloha (love) to both of them, his time and inclination
were claimed by the crowd of lively youngsters of old Kohala days
who had come to know that they possessed digestions and various
On the Makaloa Mat/Island Tales
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other internal functions, and who had settled down to somewhat of
sedateness, who roistered less, and who played bridge much, and
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went to baseball often. Also, similarly oriented, was the old
poker crowd of Lee Barton's younger days, which crowd played for
more consistent stakes and limits, while it drank mineral water and
orange juice and timed the final round of "Jacks" never later than
Appeared, through all the rout of entertainment, Sonny Grandison,
Hawaii-born, Hawaii-prominent, who, despite his youthful forty-one
years, had declined the proffered governorship of the Territory.
Also, he had ducked Ida Barton in the surf at Waikiki a quarter of
a century before, and, still earlier, vacationing on his father's
great Lakanaii cattle ranch, had hair-raisingly initiated her, and
various other tender tots of five to seven years of age, into his
boys' band, "The Cannibal Head-Hunters" or "The Terrors of
Lakanaii." Still farther, his Grandpa Grandison and her Grandpa
Wilton had been business and political comrades in the old days.
Educated at Harvard, he had become for a time a world-wandering
scientist and social favourite. After serving in the Philippines,
he had accompanied various expeditions through Malaysia, South
America, and Africa in the post of official entomologist. At
forty-one he still retained his travelling commission from the
Smithsonian Institution, while his friends insisted that he knew
more about sugar "bugs" than the expert entomologists employed by
him and his fellow sugar planters in the Experiment Station.
Bulking large at home, he was the best-known representative of
Hawaii abroad. It was the axiom among travelled Hawaii folk, that
wherever over the world they might mention they were from Hawaii,
the invariable first question asked of them was: "And do you know
Sonny Grandison?"
In brief, he was a wealthy man's son who had made good. His
father's million he inherited he had increased to ten millions, at
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the same time keeping up his father's benefactions and endowments
and overshadowing them with his own.
But there was still more to him. A ten years' widower, without
issue, he was the most eligible and most pathetically sought-after
marriageable man in all Hawaii. A clean-and-strong-featured
brunette, tall, slenderly graceful, with the lean runner's stomach,
always fit as a fiddle, a distinguished figure in any group, the
greying of hair over his temples (in juxtaposition to his young-
textured skin and bright vital eyes) made him appear even more
distinguished. Despite the social demands upon his time, and
despite his many committee meetings, and meetings of boards of
directors and political conferences, he yet found time and space to
captain the Lakanaii polo team to more than occasional victory, and
on his own island of Lakanaii vied with the Baldwins of Maui in the
breeding and importing of polo ponies.
On the Makaloa Mat/Island Tales
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Given a markedly strong and vital man and woman, when a second
equally markedly strong and vital man enters the scene, the peril
of a markedly strong and vital triangle of tragedy becomes
imminent. Indeed, such a triangle of tragedy may be described, in
the terminology of the flat-floor folk, as "super" and
"impossible." Perhaps, since within himself originated the desire
and the daring, it was Sonny Grandison who first was conscious of
the situation, although he had to be quick to anticipate the
sensing intuition of a woman like Ida Barton. At any rate, and
undebatable, the last of the three to attain awareness was Lee
Barton, who promptly laughed away what was impossible to laugh
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His first awareness, he quickly saw, was so belated that half his
hosts and hostesses were already aware. Casting back, he realized
that for some time any affair to which he and his wife were invited
found Sonny Grandison likewise invited. Wherever the two had been,
the three had been. To Kahuku or to Haleiwa, to Ahuimanu, or to [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]