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protected the knees in the front and sides. Plate schynbalds protected the shins. A
cervellire with attached aventail and a roughly cylindrical helm with a tapered, almost
rounded, skull were worn. An arming cap helped support the weight of the helm. A
heater shield served to protect the arms and legs as well as the body.
1300 CE to 1325 CE
The warrior elite of the first quarter of the 14th century wore a thigh-length
hauberk with mufflers. An aketon was worn with the hauberk, and a surcoat, now called
a coat-armor, was worn over it. The surcoat was sometimes reinforced with vertical
lames in rows. If not, a separate coat-of-plates was often worn. Chausses protected the
legs, along with gamboised cuisses. A large, hemispherical plate poleyn protected the
knees in the front and sides. Plate schynbalds protected the shins. Couters and besagews
were worn to protect the elbows and armpits. Vambraces made of gutter-shaped plates
were laced to the upper and lower arms. A cervellire with attached aventail was worn,
along with a roughly cylindrical helm with a tapered, almost rounded, skull and a visor.
An arming cap helped support the weight of the helm. A heater shield served to protect
the arms and legs as well as the body.
1325 CE to 1350 CE
The warrior elite of the second quarter of the 14th century wore a thigh-length
hauberk. An aketon was worn with the hauberk, and a coat-armor was worn over it. The
surcoat was sometimes reinforced with vertical lames in rows. If not, a separate coat-of-
plates was often worn. Chausses protected the legs, along with gamboised cuisses. A
large, hemispherical plate poleyn protected the knees in the front and sides. Plate greaves
protected the lower leg. Sabatons of plate made worn on the feet. Couters and besagews
were worn to protect the elbows and armpits. Vambraces made of gutter-shaped plates
were laced to the upper and lower arms. The lower cannon of the vambrace was now
hinged and tubular. A gauntlet made after the coat-of-plates fashion with many lames
was worn to protect the hands instead of the muffler. A bascinet with attached aventail
and a roughly cylindrical helm with a tapered skull and visor were worn. An arming cap
helped support the weight of the helm. A heater shield served to protect the arms and
legs as well as the body.
1350 CE to 1375 CE
The warrior elite of the third quarter of the 14th century wore a hip-length
hauberk. An aketon was worn with the hauberk, and surcoat was worn over it. The
surcoat was sometimes reinforced with lames. If not, a separate coat-of-plates was often
worn. In either case, the upper chest lames were replaced with a single solid breastplate.
Chausses protected the legs, along with cuisses made after the coat-of-plates fashion. A
small, plate poleyn with a sidewing protected the knee in the front and on the outside.
Plate greaves protected the lower leg. Sabatons of plate were worn on the feet.
Vambraces made of gutter-shaped plates were laced to the upper and lower arms. The
lower cannon of the vambrace was now hinged and tubular. The cannons of the
vambrace were attached together by a laminated couter with a sidewing. A gauntlet
made after the coat-of-plates fashion with few lames was worn to protect the hands. A
medium bascinet with attached aventail was worn, usually with a visor, either of the
standard side-hinged form or the Klappvisier form. The bascinet extended on the back
and sides to cover the nape of the neck and the cheeks. A heater shield served to protect
the arms and legs as well as the body.
1375 CE to 1400 CE
The warrior elite of the fourth quarter of the 14th century wore a hip-length
hauberk. An aketon was worn with the hauberk, and surcoat was worn over it. A coat-
of-plates reinforced the hauberk. It consisted of a breastplate with an attached lamellar
fauld. Sometimes a rounded breastplate was worn over the coat-of-plates, along with an
attached fauld. Chausses protected the legs, along with cuisses constructed in the coat-
of-plates fashion. Solid, one-piece plate cuisses now complemented the protection of the
legs. Sabatons of plate made worn on the feet. A small, plate poleyn with a sidewing
protected the knee in the front and on the outside. Plate greaves protected the lower leg.
Vambraces made of gutter-shaped plates were laced to the upper and lower arms. The
lower cannon of the vambrace was now hinged and tubular. The cannons of the
vambrace were attached together by laminated couter with a sidewing. An hourglass
gauntlet was worn to protect the hands. A medium bascinet with attached aventail was
worn, with a visor or Klappvisier, often of a snouted form. The bascinet extended on the
back and sides to cover the neck and the cheeks. The apex of the bascinet had moved
back so that the back edge of the bascinet was nearly vertical. A heater shield may have
served to protect the arms and legs as well as the body.
1400 CE to 1420 CE
The warrior elite of the first fifth of the 15th century wore a hip-length hauberk.
An aketon was worn with the hauberk, and a coat-armor was worn over it. A breastplate
was worn over the hauberk, along with an attached lamellar fauld. Chausses protected
the legs, along with cuisses after the coat-of-plates fashion. Solid, one-piece plate cuisses
complemented the protection of the legs. Sabatons of plate made worn on the feet. A
small, plate poleyn with a sidewing protected the knee in the front and on the outside.
Plate greaves protected the lower leg. Vambraces made of gutter-shaped plates were
laced to the upper and lower arms. The lower cannon of the vambrace was now hinged
and tubular. The cannons of the vambrace were attached together by a laminated couter
with a sidewing. A pauldron or spaudlers guarded the shoulders. An hourglass gauntlet
was worn to protect the hands. A medium bascinet with attached aventail was worn, with
a visor or Klappvisier, often of a snouted form. The bascinet extended on the back and
sides to cover the neck and the cheeks. The apex of the bascinet had moved back so that
the back edge of the bascinet was nearly vertical.
1420 CE to 1440 CE
The warrior elite of the first fifth of the 15th century wore a hip-length aketon with
mail gussets attached with points to protect open areas. A breastplate was worn over the
aketon, along with an attached lamellar fauld and, sometimes, tassets. A backplate was
worn as well, also with a fauld or culet. Chausses protected the legs, along with cuisses [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]