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up on the other. While the problem has been publicized,
much of the truth about the cause has been covered up or
A well documented source of information on this
subject is Joseph D. Douglass, Jr.'s book Red Cocaine: The
Drugging of America. Dr. Ray S. Cline, former Deputy
Director for Intelligence, of the Central Intelligence
Agency, had this to say about Red Cocaine:
Dr. Joseph Douglass, the author of this book, is not
selling a theory but instead calling attention to evidence.
He has marshalled his facts carefully, presents them
responsibly and cautiously, and offers a wealth of soberly
documented data. That data describes in detail the efforts
of China, the Soviet Union, and its many surrogates, to
use drugs over many decades as weapons designed to
damage and weaken  if not destroy  the stability of
Free World countries. The top target is and always has
been, of course, the United States.2
Cline also had this to say about a coverup of
information about the major source of the drug problem:
If we are serious about winning this war on drugs,
we must know, too, to what extent it is true  as this
book argues  that top officials in our government have
had access to this evidence for many years, but preferred
The Soul of Babylon
to hush it up out of concern for what public disclosure
would do to U. S.-Sino/Soviet relations.
Data that does not support the politically - desired
(or fashionable) goal of managing detente between
Moscow and Washington has a hard time  a very hard
time  surfacing or being heard. Needless to say,
throughout the intelligence community, scores of
conscientious officers fight against this pernicious
process, often to the extent of putting their jobs,
reputations, and very careers on the line.3
Much of the evidence presented in Red Cocaine was
revealed by Jan Sejna, who defected from
Czechoslovakia to the United states in February 1968.
According to Douglass, "Sejna was a top-level, decision
making party official. He met regularly with the highest
officials in the Soviet Union and other communist
countries. He was present during the inception, planning,
and implementation of Soviet narcotics trafficking
operations."4 Douglass went on to relate how efforts
were made in Washington to sidetrack Sejna and ignore
his information.
The plans laid out by the Soviets were so thorough
and extensive that they included the establishment of
training schools for drug distributors, clinics to study the
effects of drugs, and laboratories to research new drugs.
In 1955 the Soviets decided to infiltrate organized crime
throughout the world and use it as a covert mechanism
for distributing drugs.5
The Secret Side of History
Sejna explained why American youth was the main
target in the Soviet drug war:
But the focus for significant change had to be the
young generation. These were the people that we needed
to work on to change the military, to retard scientific
development, and to influence the government
leadership. This is why the American youth were the
primary target for the drugs.6
That the flow of drugs into this country has not abated
is a sure indication that nothing has changed regarding
the long-range plans of the Soviets. For those of our
readers who are concerned enough to look further into
the deliberate drug warfare against America, Joseph
Douglass' 277 page book Red Cocaine: The Drugging of
America is available from American Opinion Book
Service, P. O. Box 8040, Appleton, Wisconsin.
As mentioned in chapter 9, the word "fornication"
used in describing Mystery Babylon has two meanings.
As used in Scripture, when applied to individuals it
meant sexual immorality. When applied to rulers and
nations it meant idolatry. According to Strong's Greek
Dictionary of the New Testament, the words used for
fornication in John's description of Mystery Babylon
( por-ni'-ah and porn-yoo-o)
literally mean adultery but figuratively mean idolatry.7
Both terms certainly describe Modern Day Babylon, the
most significant of which is idolatry. Due to the New
Age Movement, no time in history has seen such a wide
The Soul of Babylon
spread acceptance of the heathen religious practice of
idolatry. The main center of power and influence for this
movement is that modern Tower of Babel called the
United Nations. One UN report, The New International
Economic Order: A Spiritual Imperative, proclaimed,
"The work of the U. N. is indeed spiritual and holds
profound import for the future of civilization."8 William
Jasper had this to say about the religious nature of the
United Nations:
The UN, along with its programs and policies, is
becoming ever more worthy of comparison to the Tower
of Babel, as rampant idolatry and militant paganism
thoroughly permeate the organization.
The United Nations is steadily becoming the center
of a syncretic new world religion, a weird and diabolical [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]