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think of it as Angel -- she was strong, inhumanly strong as Tai fought her, absorbing
blows, avoiding fangs and nails curved into claws.
The sai were hot against Tai s palms as she sliced through Angel s lip, from
mouth to ear. Then she was on the floor again, ears ringing from an inhuman shriek,
that ruined mouth on her, the fangs slicing into her skin, delicate in their sharpness and
she couldn t move with two bodies holding her down, two bodies feeding from her,
draining her.
The man sucking at her neck was human. She saw no fangs when he licked his
lips.  Women just taste sweeter, he said and backhanded her, the motion dislodging
Angel off her for a small moment. She crawled back only to snarl as the human stopped
 Not quite yet, my angel. I want her hurting. He knelt down, brutal fingers
pressing onto Tai s chin to turn her head to face him. She stared up at those exotically
tilted eyes and saw something colder than death in the flat pools of pale, pale blue.
 You ve cost me a lot of money. The least you can do is pay up.
She was dragged, Angel gripping her hair in a painful fist.
 I killed you. The words rasped Tai s throat.
 You did, bitch. Lucky for me I have a human lover.
The pale man spoke behind her.  Luck all around. A bit of human blood and a
vampyre is good as new. Rayan s hat was in his hand, the bladed edge against the
vulnerable column of Rayan s throat.  My dead friend Keys said this one was your
Tai scrambled up, instincts screaming to jump him, to push the blade away. Her
strength drained as blood streamed from her neck. She locked her knees to keep from
stumbling. She needed to get Jakob here. Now.
 I was at their wedding, Angel sneered at her, her cheek and lip coming
together as skin started to bond.  It was bright and fucking perfect.
 Then this would be the perfect payment. Lucky again.
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 Payment for what? Keep him talking. She needed a moment to regain her
strength, to unblur her vision.
 You cost me business. I turn them -- one million a pop. They can t advertise if
you kill them.
 This is about money? Church, she realized. This was Armand Church -- she d
heard his name from the vamps she d gotten rid of. The human who liked blood, the
human who could give eternal strength.
The man saluted her with another vial of blood.  This is about power. They come
to me for strength, for immortality. The ones worthy are turned. The ones not are feed.
 And these? She tilted her head at the humans she d been desperately trying to
ignore. They would survive a few more moments. Vamps liked to play with their food.
She made herself believe that.
The pale man shrugged.  Circular business logic. Demand for fresh blood is
 You don t know how to turn them. Rayan s voice, the painful rasp of it was
music to her ears.  You just suck blood and money either way.
 You re still with us? Another bloody sip was followed by a chuckle. The blade
pressed closer into Rayan s neck as Church finished his vial.  You re right. I cannot
choose who I turn. Ironic, isn t it? A human carrying the gift of vampyre. I can give life
and -- the blade slashed across defenseless skin, ripping Rayan s throat, bathing him in
his own blood,  I can take it.
Tai wasn t sure who screamed, the hoarseness of her voice was foreign. She
leaped on Church only to have Angel grab her, bite painfully into her neck, and suck
hard. Her life drained as she watched Rayan die, and she gathered everything she had
and sent her energy to him hoping he d somehow feed and heal on it --
She heard a burst of fire as she slumped in the arms of the one who d sworn to
guard her back. Then she was on the floor, Angel motionless beside her, and Church s
screams of profanities died in a short gasp as Jakob knocked him down with the butt of
a modified Beretta.
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On hands and knees, she crawled to Rayan. Human blood, she thought. Jake was
with her, a knife in his hand, her wrist in his other, a question in his eyes. She nodded.
Gulped a breath. Then she squeezed her muscles so her blood flowed into Rayan s open
throat when Jakob slit her wrist.
Church moaned, and scrambled to get up. Tai saw Jakob s gaze narrow before he
leapt, grabbing the pale man by the hair. Fangs bared, Jakob exposed Church s neck,
and pressed the knife against the taut, stretched skin.  Ochai, he snarled,  Stay dead
this time.
The knife blade flashed. Her scream high-pitched and harsh, Angel snatched one
of Rayan s guns into her bloodied hand.  Let him go! The bullet missed Jake s head by
Jaw clenched, Jake froze, fangs and knife gleaming.
Tai clenched her fist, saw Rayan s skin regenerating. With her other hand, she
felt his ankles and thanked whatever god was in charge when she found his 9mm. It
was on his left side. She hoped it was the one charged with bullets meant for vamps.
 Let him go! Angel was closer, her cheek bloodied yet whole.  I ll kill this
bitch. She pointed the gun at Tai, squeezing the trigger with a pale-skinned hand&
The shot was like a muffled pop. Tai didn t know when she managed to get the
gun out; she simply watched the hole in Angel s breast get bigger, darker, until dust
exploded with its acrid ash and smell of burnt flesh.
The other vamps had already scrambled, leaving the humans bloodied and torn
and some still moving. Church was still in Jakob s grip, the vampyre s eyes dark and
haunted. He made no move to kill him.
Her sai were useless when it came to cutting. Tai reached for Rayan s sword and
started hacking at the cables that held him. When she heard his ragged breath she
simply hugged his legs and cried.
* * *
It had taken twenty-four hours for her to gain back her feet. Twenty-three really,
since the last hour had been spent scrubbing herself in the shower until her skin was
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pink and raw. Yet still, even three days later, she couldn t get rid of the sticky, sweet
scent of blood clinging to her. The compound was quiet, the surviving cadets still in
quarantine as Jakob waited to see if they would turn. The night before, Nonnenburg
had used the remote codes he d somehow swiped months earlier. He was now missing,
and with him Armand Church. Keys hadn t been the only one seduced by strength and
immortality. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]