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his own and moved against it. He found himself doing what he had not done since his youth, having found
it distasteful then. He pressed his tongue deep into her mouth.
And then she withdrew and he withdrew and they stood gazing at each other, still touching from the waist
down, their breathing labored. That strange smile lingered about her lips. But her eyes were heavy with
passion and excitement.
"I do hope you live up to early promise, Mr. Downes," she said.
"I shall do my very best, ma'am," he said.
And then she turned and presented him with a row of tiny pearl buttons down the back of her gown. He
undid them one at a time while she lifted her arms and withdrew the pins from her hair. She held it up until
he was finished and then let it fall, long and dark and wavy, with its enticing reddish tints. He nudged the
gown off her shoulders with the straps of her shift and she let them fall to the floor before turning and
removing her undergarments and her stockings while he watched.
She had a mature figure  firm, ample, voluptuous. She was incredibly beautiful. He felt his mouth go dry
again as he shrugged out of his coat and reached for the buttons of his waistcoat.
"Ah, no," she said, brushing his hands aside and laughing at him with that throaty laugh that now seemed
to be in its proper setting. "You have had the pleasure of unclothing me, Mr. Downes. You will not deny
me the pleasure of doing the like for you."
She undressed him while he listened to his heartbeat hammering against his eardrums and concentrated
on controlling and mastering the urge to tumble her back onto the bed so that he might the sooner
explode into ease. She took her time. She was in no hurry at all.
Not until they were finally on the bed. Then she became passion unleashed. There was no shyness, no
shrinking, no ladylike modesty, no taboos. Her hands explored him with frank interest and wild demand
while his did the like to her. Her mouth participated in the exploration, moving over him, kissing, licking,
sucking, biting. He devoured her with his own mouth, tasting perfume and sweat and woman.
He had never been a man for rough sex. Perhaps because of his size he had always been careful to leash
his passions, to touch gently, to mount slowly, to pump with control. But he had never before been with a
woman whose passion could equal his own  and perhaps even outstrip it. When he rolled her nipples
between his thumbs and the bases of his forefingers, she spoke to him.
"Harder," she begged him. "Harder."
And when he squeezed and she gasped with pain and he would have desisted, her hands came up to
cover his, to press his thumbs and forefingers together again. She gasped with pain once more.
"Come to me," she was saying then, her body in frenzied motion. "Give it to me. Give it to me."
He moved between her thighs, felt her legs lift to twine about his, felt her hands spread hard over his
buttocks, positioned himself, and thrust hard and deep. She cried out. He settled his weight on her  his
full weight. He knew what she wanted and what he wanted. Neither of them would have it if he allowed
her to buck and gyrate beneath him. And he was very aware that she had led the way thus far. It was not
in his nature to allow a woman to dictate his every action and reaction.
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She urged him on with frenzied words and clawing hands and with the muscles of her thighs and the
muscles inside, where he worked. But he took her without frenzy, with deep, methodical, rhythmic
strokes. His heart felt as if it must burst. With every inward thrust he felt as if he must surely explode into
release. But he would not let a woman master him.
She was pleading with him. She was swearing at him, he realized in some surprise. And then she lost her
own control and came shuddering and shattering about him. He continued to stroke her while it happened
and then, when she began to relax, he drove to his own release, growling out his pleasure into her hair.
He was not quite sure he was going to survive, he thought foolishly, relaxing downward onto her damp
and heated flesh. He felt her legs untwine themselves from about his and somehow found the energy to lift
himself off her and draw her against him before closing his eyes and sinking into sleep.
* * *
She did not sleep. She lay relaxed against the heat of his body. She tried to summon the energy to wake
him and dismiss him. She would have to dismiss him. She needed to be alone.
She needed to digest what had just happened  what she had caused to happen. She had not even taken
him as far as the drawing room. She had scarcely even paused on the first landing.
She had seemed to be led by a power quite beyond her will to control. A ridiculous notion  though it
had happened before. She had chosen to bring him to her bed, just as she had chosen that other time.
She breathed in slowly  a mistake. She breathed in the smells of his sweat and his cologne, of his
Her earlier curiosity at least had been satisfied. She knew now how it felt with him. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]