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There, he said it. So why was she still looking at him?  I mean, aren t I supposed to
do something for you? And the last part came out so slow he was pretty sure she
now thought he was retarded. Sure felt retarded.
 Oh! Katie rolled her eyes all dramatic then moved closer.  And what is it you d
like to do to me, Alex Jackson? Katie was so close now that her breasts brushed his
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forearm. Alex could smell the oranges on her breath. Yeah, and then he thought about
what she d just done to him.
 Hmmm? Closer still and her hip touched his.  Tell me. And I ll let you.
She d let him. Yeah, that, that shouldn t have sounded so hot.
Alex stared at the fire, wondering when he was going to be able to get over all
these first time shivers. Two blow jobs in two years. Not exactly a résumé to be proud
Her breath hit his ear.  I m still waiting.
Wow, then they had something in common. Alex was still waiting to grow a set.
Wracking his brain, Alex struggled to get a grip on his thoughts. Tried to think of
what to say. What to do. He thought about Mike. Mike would be all smooth talking.
Total Casanova. And Alex, well--racking his brain just left him racking his brain.
 Just tell me, Alex. I won t laugh. I promise.
No, no, she wouldn t. Katie had been totally professional about this whole thing.
Alex narrowed his eyes and something cold set up in the middle of his stomach.
All his nervousness dried up. Alex turned and looked at her. Really looked at her. He
even thought about how she knew so much about him. Mike had told her so much
about him. Now why would he do that? Especially when he d acted like he couldn t
even remember her name?
Alex was just about to open his mouth and say something when Mike came stum-
bling out of the woods. Alex jumped to his feet. It was a combination of surprise and
the demands he wanted to throw out, but as soon as he saw Mike all his pissed-off
 Mike? Mike s usual tan was pale. Practically gray. Especially around his mouth
and eyes.  Damn, what happened?
If Mike heard him, he didn t show it. He dropped the string of fish by the cooler,
followed up with his rod and reel, then practically collapsed by the fire. Chrissy came
out of the bushes whining about Mike running off without her.
 What happened? Alex looked at Chrissy because she looked okay. Better than
okay. She was flushed, her hair messed up. Yeah, definitely rode hard and put away
 I don t know. He just took off. Her complaint dried up when she looked at
Mike. Her eyes went big.  Oh. My. God. Mike! What happened?
 Nothing. Mike reached over to the cooler and pulled it up beside him, threw off
the top and dug through it.  I just need something to eat.
Alex didn t think eating was a very good idea. Mike looked more like a guy who
was about to hurl.
 Maybe the barbeque was bad? said Katie.
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Alex shook his head.  I ate some and I m fine.
Chrissy moved to sit beside Mike. She petted his head, pushed his curls over his
ears. He wasn t paying attention; he was too busy stuffing his face. Eating like some-
one who was starving. Watching Mike put away the sandwich meat right out of the
bag kicked something awake inside Alex s chest, and he had the strangest urge to run
for his life.
Alex said,  Mike, are you sure you re not sick?
 I m fine. With his mouth full, it came out more like  mife inee. Mike waved a
hand at the fire and said,  Cold.
Alex put more wood on it, even though it wasn t cold out. Not really. And nor-
mally Mike was pretty hot natured. Alex really wanted to insist that they go home and
he almost did, but the more Mike ate, the better he looked.
After Mike polished off the third pack of meat, he popped one of the tops on a
Budweiser and tossed it back. How he got the beer, Alex had no idea. Mike was still a
year under the legal age. Leave it to Mike to get around the rules. It was something he
was good at.
Mike belched and both girls let out a collective,  Ew.
Alex stared. Something wasn t right. When Mike looked up at him, Alex was
pretty sure Mike also knew something was wrong.  You okay there, Z-man?
Mike watched him over the edge of the can while he sucked it back. It was only
after he put it down he nodded.
Then he grinned in a familiar smart-ass way.  Yeah, I think maybe my sugar
dropped or something.
 You ve been eating enough for four people, and that was just breakfast.
 Yeah, but you have no idea the workout I just had. He laughed, sounding nor-
 Mike Zimmer! Chrissy cut him a warning with her eyes.
 What? I didn t hear you complaining. No, if I remember right you said it was the
best sex you d ever had. Mike even had the cajones to add sound effects while he
adjusted himself.
With a huff, Chrissy threw a stick at him and Mike barked out an  ow when it
hit home. Then she stormed off to their tent and zipped herself inside.
Now Alex had the urge to kick the asshole.
 What? Mike threw a look and forth while drinking his beer.
 You re such a prick. Katie went next. And she didn t go in Alex s tent, she went
where Chrissy was.
Alex was pretty sure sex was off the menu tonight, even if he did want it. Alex
cranked his head around and glared at Mike.  What the hell is wrong with you?
Mike shook his head while he broke into his leftovers.  Nothing. It was like he
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couldn t eat enough or fast enough. Watching him was nauseating.  Just hungry.
Alex picked up the stringer of fish out of the dirt and put it into the empty cooler
with ice and water. The trout didn t look so good from all the abuse but the catfish [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]