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worry about the safety of other children.
 Not gonna happen. I ve been going to the site every day, but I ve got a crew there. They don t
need me that much. I m not leaving you all again  til this is done. By done, I mean them behind
bars and you safe with us. Got it?
Tommy nodded and dropped his head to Soldier s shoulder again and sighed. Soldier looked over
at the officers and held up his hand for just a few more minutes. He let Tommy gather himself
together and then picked him up and put him back beside him. He put his arm behind Tommy and
pulled him right into his side.
 Now, we talk. I m teaching you to defend yourself. One way is to talk to the police and answer
any questions they have. Maybe if Tommy could help them out, he would feel better.  Try to
remember anything from tonight. Did he say anything to you? Did you see which way he went?
Is there any way you can help? That might make you feel better, like you have a say in what
happens. You re helping to catch them. Soldier had another worry. He went right ahead and
asked Tommy.  Let me ask you this. Do you have any feeling left for the woman who says
you re hers? Do you care what happens to her? Are you wanting to protect her?
 Hell, no. Oh, I m sorry. Tommy s eyes got big.
 Free pass on that one, kid. No problem. Okay, so we re going to find them and we re going to
put them both away. I had to know it wouldn t bother you.
 I don t want to ever see them again. I hate what they did to me and I don t want them to hurt any
of the others. Tommy looked over to the waiting officers.  Tell them to come back over here
and I ll tell them anything I can. He leaned forward so he was out from under Soldier s arm and
then he reached up and kissed the cheek nearest him.  Thank you. I love you. I know that now. I
know that s what I feel for you and Dillon and the others. He hesitated, but went on to say,  But
you, you get me.
 Yeah, I do. Don t ever forget it. You belong to us now, not them ever. You can leave us when
you graduate from college and go on to be whatever you want to be. Soldier smiled at the look
of relief on Tommy s face.
 Officers, Tommy wants to help you catch them. He s ready to answer your questions. Tommy,
you need me to stay with you?
 No, sir. I m fine. I needed you... and you came. I m fine now.
Soldier almost hated to leave him, but felt Tommy needed to do this on his own. He would talk to
the officers later and fill them in on anything Tommy wasn t able to tell them. He let Tommy
handle himself with them. Soldier was proud of him.
He turned back to the others. They were huddled together on the other couch. Some had arms
around others and they all had huge eyes, full of shock and worry for Tommy and Gom. He
headed over.
 Room for me on there? he asked, bending down to pick Gom up from the middle and take his
place, setting him on one knee and reaching to take Ben onto the other. The little ones needed
comfort most.
Jack, of course, was blunt as usual.  You gonna go kick some as... uh, butt?
 Love to, buddy. Can t tell you how much. But I m going to be staying real close to home until
the police catch the creeps. I think we need a project. You know those two really big trees in the
back yard?
They all nodded, confused.
 I m thinking they need really nice, big tree-houses in them. Who wants to help me build  em?
Soldier asked, looking at the faces turned up to him.
Lots of  I do s met this question. They started a discussion on how the tree-houses should be
built and what they should have in them. Should they have a ladder or just a rope to get up to
them? Soldier got them going and then settled Ben against J. and tried to put Gom down by Jack,
but the little boy clung and whimpered, so Soldier just stood up with him.
He left them discussing the new project and went to find Dillon and Daniel. They had some
talking to do.
He found them in an office. Dillon looked as shell-shocked as Tommy had. He could see guilt
and remorse all over Dillon. Soldier wasn t having any of it.
 Gom, go to Daniel for just a minute, okay? I ll be right back to get you. I m just going to take
Dillon in the hall for a minute. Soldier passed Gom over to Daniel and reached down to take
Dillon s hand and pulled him out of the chair. Dillon looked surprised and tried to pull his hand
back. He pushed Dillon out the door and turned back to Daniel, who gave him a thumbs up sign.
He closed the door and moved down the hall a little way and pushed Dillon up against the wall.
Dillon tried to look down at the floor.
 Look at me, Soldier said sternly, and waited for Dillon to comply.  Don t you dare try to tell
me you feel responsible. There were four workers here tonight with these kids. The doors were
locked. It could have happened if we d been here with them. You are not going to think it s your
fault. I already went through this with Tommy. He used the same argument here.
 I asked him if he wanted me to leave. I asked if he thought it was my fault for letting my guard
down and not being here? He said no. He feels like it s all his fault  cause they want him back
because they made money off him. We both know it s not his fault. Soldier put his hand on
Dillon s cheek and kept eye contact with him.
 You, Dillon Marsh, are not going to take this on yourself and end up regretting anything we did
today. It was not irresponsible. We covered our bases. It s their fault. We ll handle it. Now look
at me and tell me you agree with me. Soldier was scared he wouldn t be able to get it across to
Dillon that it wasn t because they took the time for themselves that this happened to Tommy and
 You called me Dillon Marsh. Dillon s eyes were wide.
 I did. I told you, in my mind, you are. I won t say it in front of others, but I need you on the
same page with me. I ve got the boys calmed down and they re talking about the two tree-houses
we re going to build in the backyard. I m not leaving until these creeps are caught. How about
 I can swing a hammer. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]