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on. Shoes on.
The same, day in and day out. Dane loved watching him. Maybe it was
the play of skin over muscle, or just the simple OCD-edness of the whole
No matter. Dane loved him for the behavior.
 Will you be nice to our guest while I'm gone, Doc? And quit staring at
my ass.
 Maybe I'm trying to decide if I should add a toy to your uniform.
 Not today, my love.
 Stop talking toys, assholes, came another round from the living room.
They looked toward the door.  On second thought, Dane murmured,
 perhaps I will try and help our friend out.
 Shut up or I'm going to have to call in sick. Garrett grabbed his gun
from the nightstand where he kept it, and holstered it at his hip.  Just
don't run him off, all right?
 I promise I won't let him get too far. Dane preceded Garrett out of the
room to find Aaron hadn't moved, but that a fine sheen of sweat covered
his forehead.
 Is it too hot in here? I can turn the air up a little.
Aaron's eyes popped open and he glared at Dane, who tried not to laugh.
He knew damn good and well Aaron's sweating issue had nothing to do
with the heat.
 You two suck, Aaron spat out.
 Yes, and marginally well if I do say so myself. Garrett tossed into the
air the keys he'd picked up and caught them with his other hand.
Aaron moaned at the bad pun and Dane added his own two cents.
 There's no marginally about it.
Garrett leaned over and kissed the top of Aaron's head.
Despite getting off not fifteen minutes before, Dane's cock took interest at
the simple gesture.
 Don't let Doc scare you. Trust me; he's in it for the pleasure. Garrett
looked at Dane and winked.
 Get out of here, Doc growled, swatting Garrett's ass hard enough that
he was sure he left a handprint.
 Ow, you sadistic bastard.
 You know you liked it.
 I can't stay here. I knew this was a bad idea.
Dane and Garrett both swiveled to meet Aaron's gaze.  Why the hell
Dane demanded, despite seeing the want and need in Aaron's eyes.
 Because you guys don't need anyone horning in on what you've got. I'm
going to be in the way.
 Maybe you'll be right in the middle of it, Garrett suggested, and Dane's
mouth watered at the prospect of Aaron's lean body between theirs.
 Now who's scaring him off? Dane shoved Garrett to the door, smiling
when Aaron let out a frustrated sigh.
Before Garrett could leave, Dane grabbed him by the back of the neck
and kissed him, hard.  Be safe.
 Yes, sir.
 I gotta go in before you get back, so Aaron'll be here alone for about an
Garrett nodded.  Make sure he has the phone and some water he can
reach. I put that tray behind the couch. Or you can put in on the night 
 Doctor's degree, remember? I think I can handle our patient.
 Yeah, well, your bedside manner could use a little help. Garrett
skipped back out of Dane's reach.
 Just wait till we're together again, he yelled after Garrett's retreating
form.  I'll show you bedside manner.
Chapter Ten
Hanging around Dane and Garrett was enough to make Aaron's head
spin. The two never stopped touching. Ever. His own skin was starting
to itch, and he'd nearly rubbed his cock raw trying to relieve the constant
hard-on they gave him. They kissed each other in passing, they groped,
they practically fucked in front of him.
And they asked him to join them. Repeatedly. Why did they want him
when they so obviously loved each other?
It didn't matter. He wasn't ready for another relationship. Not when
seeing them made him think of how it had been the same between him
and David.
The nonstop touching and kissing and simple love. He wouldn't tarnish
the memories of his lover just to get his rocks off.
Guilt chewed at his gut. He wouldn't do it, but God, he wanted to. Would
David have if he were in this situation? If Aaron had died instead?
The TV droned on, some inane drama about cops and lawyers.
Something he would have snuggled on the couch with David to watch
while they made out. He glanced to his right to find Dane and Garrett in
the same position he and David liked to share.
Aaron swallowed the bile rushing to his throat and squeezed his eyes
shut. He missed him so fucking much. It should be David helping him
piss. It should be David fetching his water or his books or doing what-
the-fuck-ever he needed help with.
 Hey, man, you okay? You look like you've seen a ghost. Garrett
straightened away from Dane's tangle of arms and legs.
Aaron had to clear his throat before he could speak.  Yeah. Tired, I
he lied and pretended to wipe his hands over his face like he was weary,
instead of wiping the moisture from his eyes.
 You need a pain pill? Garrett was up before Aaron could tell him to
shut the hell up.
He ground his teeth together. Screaming at his hosts wouldn't do him a
damn bit of good, nor would it be cathartic, like some people said.
Punching a pillow wouldn't help either. Nor would screwing one's
brains out.
 I don't need a pill, he said through his teeth, then sighed.  I'm sorry. I
don't mean to ruin your night together. They weren't often home at the
same time for long. Why was he begrudging them their touches when they
didn't get much time alone?
He blew out a breath. Dane sat with his elbows on his knees, his hands
clasped and hanging in front of him while Garrett stood, his hands on his
Both wore similar looks of concern.
 Look, this really isn't working out. I'm in the way.
 Who the fuck said that? Garrett growled, surprising Aaron with his
vehemence.  You say that, Doc?
 Hell no.
 No one said it. Aaron dropped his shoulders in defeat. It wasn't the
first time they'd had this argument.  You guys don't get to be together
alone anymore. I'm always here, like some goddamned voyeur.
Garrett's eyebrows rose.  And that's a problem how?
Jesus. They just didn't get it.
 I don't fucking have what you do anymore, and it sucks, all right? he
shouted, despite his earlier decision that shouting wouldn't do shit.
Dane stood and came to kneel between Aaron's outstretched legs and put
his hands on Aaron's thighs. The warmth of Dane's touch traveled
straight to Aaron's groin.
 No one said you weren't allowed to love again. Dane spoke softly,
cutting into Aaron's soul.
 I can't. I won't. Christ. Would David have moved on? he thought for
the millionth time.
Dane licked his lips.  What Garrett and I have is special. And I imagine
what you and David shared was similar. As a doctor, I see people lose
loved ones all the time. The grief, the sorrow, the anger. It hangs on for a
long time.
Years. It doesn't ever fully go away, but it does get easier. He cocked
his head to the side.  I promise.
Aaron rolled his eyes.  You only see the death. How can you know?
Dane had never held his lover's hand while they pulled the plug, and [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]