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cock still slicing ceaselessly in and out. Oh, God, she sobbed silently, what is happening. Who is it?
The pounding of bare feet came nearer, and then a coarse, lust-crazed voice rang out:
"For Christ's sake, McLean, wait for me!"
It was Sam! Her throat was arid and she wanted to jump up and flee from this ultimate degradation but
she was a prisoner of her own body, still responding heedlessly to McLean's insistent hammering.
Agonized, she felt the trim smooth ovals of her buttocks being spread apart, heard Sam's excited gasp
as the dark little ring of her anus came into view, and then she sobbed aloud as she felt the hard, stubby
head of his dancing prick come into direct contact with the tight little hole. What was he going to do to
her? her mind pleaded in silence, suddenly terrified by the confrontation with her ]over.
The sight of Sandra's round firm buttocks jerking backward enticingly under McLean's frontal thrusts
egged Sam on to a new plateau of desire, and with an excited grunt, he pressed his thick forefinger
against the crinkled little sphincter, worming it into the tightly resisting little passage until he had intruded
as far as the first knuckle.
"... nnnnggghhhhhh ..." Sandra groaned as she felt the maddening pain begin in her back passage, and
she began to struggle wildly, twisting her ass around in wild staccato attempts to dislodge his firmly
imbedded finger. Her feverish flailing seemed to incite McLean to boiling point, as he continued to fuck
heedlessly into her ravished vagina.
"That's it ... move that ass ..." he groaned, seemingly oblivious to the farm hand's entrance.
Sam rotated his finger around inside the tight little rectum, sinking it deeper inside her, until he suddenly
pulled it out abruptly with a loud plop! which gave Sandra a momentary feeling of relief.
But it was shortlived, as she felt again the hard, excruciating pressure of Sam's rock-hard prick head
against the cringing little anal mouth, and as he continued to jab and pressure the tiny hole, paralyzing
realization of what was going to happen washed over her with tumultuous force.
"Oh God, please don't, Sam ..." she shrieked at the same time as he lunged forward in a snarling, brutal
surge, and forced the vainly resisting muscle to yield under his greater strength.
"AAAAARRRGGHHHHHHHHH ... No! No! Please stop!" she sobbed as she felt the splitting pain of
his brutal anal entry.
"PLEASE STOP, SAM ... PLEEASSSSEEEEE ..." she continued to wail as he began to inch forward,
forcing open the tender internal membrane with his merciless onslaught.
"Oh God, it hurts! It hurts too much!" the demented woman implored her ]over, but to no avail. By dint
of pure strength, Sam managed to slide forward until the full length of his lust-driven cock was imbedded
in her back passage. Her whole backside was a sheet of raw fiery pain which pushed unmercifully up the
length of her spinal column, culminating in a shattering pain in her brain, which was actually the force of
the knowledge of the utter degradation the two men were subjecting her to. She was like helpless chattel
between the two of them, a mindless being existing only for their pleasure, as they double fucked her,
one in front and one in back and filled the air with their animalistic groans of pleasure.
Sam began to screw slowly in and out of her throbbing rectum, and she shamefully remembered the
similar assault by her husband, which had been fading into a bitter memory, and was now recalled with
new venom. Then, slowly but surely, the soft rubbery walls of her back passage were beginning to
widen, thus mercifully lessening the incredible pain. When the agonizing pain had finally cleared, Sandra
was sorry it did, because it revealed something which added more shame and humiliation to her debased
ego. She was beginning to enjoy it, enjoy the lewd anal screwing her lover was giving her while McLean
continued to fuck her in front. No! No! her mind screamed as she lay sandwiched between the two
sweating male bodies, trying to will the rising tide of pleasure to ebb. But she failed.
"Oooohhhhhhhhh ..." a low pitched wail of animal-like pleasure rang out ... she couldn't resist the
primordial call of her body any longer. SHE LIKED IT. She liked being buffeted like a scrap of paper in
the wind, mercilessly battered between the two heaving bodies. Masochistic ripples of pleasure eddied
along her spine as she began to revel in her complete subjugation to the two men. She began to glory in
the power they had over her, not only physical power but their potency which invoked such responsive
delight in her. They were like wild stallions, luring her, the domestic mare, out to the bitter-sweet
freedom of the plains, and she had responded, throwing aside the security of suppressed sensual
excitement for the excrutiating sweet agony of a completely freed libido.
"Mmmmmmmmm ... oooohhh it's good ..." she moaned, arching her back and flaring her buttocks to
receive Sam's jack-hammer thrusts in back and then flicking forward to welcome Jeff's pile-driver shaft
in front.
"Oooohhh that's it ... hurt me! Fuck me harder!" her voice rang out, raucous in its obscenities, and
Sandra could hardly recognize it as her own. She was in another world, piloted there by the unbelievable
spasms of pleasure she was receiving in her dual passages, as the two hard, plunging pricks dove in
unison and surfaced as one, leaving her breathless with excitement. It was incredible, being fucked like
this by two men at once ... far far better than anything she had ever experienced before. She wanted it to
go on forever!
But her body had climbed to the topmost peak of sensual ecstasy, and there was nothing left for her but
to tumble down.
Her piercing wail rent the air, and then her body was spasming uncontrollably, slippery as an eel
between the sandwich of human flesh.
"AAAAARRRRRRRNNNNnnnnnngggggg ... I'm cumming! Oh God, do it harder!
Harder! I'm THERE ... ! ! ! ! !"
The two men were driven by the whiplash of her lust-hoarsened voice and they pounded against her,
their driven cocks tormented beyond belief by the dynamic contractions of her pussy and rectum, until
they, too, could hold out no longer.
Their deep masculine voices sounded out, distorted with passion, as the floodgates of their lust were
loosened, and the torrents of their bubbling white liquid scorched from the vats of their testicles along the
pipes of their plunging pricks and poured with spasmodic ejaculations into the writhing, squirming twin
passages, where they commingled in an effervescent pool of frothy male sperm in Sandra's womb. They
continued to flood her insides, their reservoir of semen apparently never-ending, until finally, their
exhausted cocks finally acknowledged defeat, and began to slip like spent worms from her widely
dilated passages. Gurgling with pleasure, Sandra slipped to the floor, her body floating on a sea of
happiness, shielded on both sides by her two lovers.
Chapter 7
Sandra was applying nail-polish to her long tapering nails, when she heard Mike's car pull into the [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]