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In this state you perceive things as either labeling them as good or bad, boring or
exciting or whatever other feelings there are. When you see a completely unknown thing
you get afraid because you have nothing to label it as, you are the prisoner of fear. And as
for the lucid state, you never label anything as something. One may say that we are
awake when we are not sleeping in our beds, but actually we are just sort of dreaming
when we live our lives because we think that the world is something specific, in other
words, we don t see the world for what it is, we believe that some things are like that, and
other things are like that... What we really see then is just a world in our minds! When a
person is born he does not know anything about this world. He is born lucid. However, he
is then raised to label things as his parents teach him, and so he develops the ego, the
mask on his true self.
On another notice, AP is said to be much easier for kids, they do it more than
grown ups. It s just that nobody will believe them when they talk about their experiences,
kids may also talk about seeing ghosts but they are raised in believing that no such things
exist. And so somehow, they stop seeing them because they build up an ego with certain
I remember when I was a kid, I often could hear the buzzing sound (if you
remember) when I was falling asleep. I never knew what it was though, nobody told me
anything about AP. Please, when you (the reader) grow up, tell your kids about AP. If a
child learns how to AP when he is little, he ll have much less difficulties doing it when
he s grown up.
Anyway, in the ego state you want to have everything clear, but the more clearer
you try to make it, the more lies are built up on the mask. Let s take an example, the
people of the stone age always got afraid when lightning struck. So the people assumed it
was because the god of lightning had come to punish them for their bad deeds. They did
not know why lightning occurred so they had to make up a belief, it never mattered if it
was fake or real, as long as it was something to believe in, something to  know . That is
a product by the ego state. As said before, in the ego state one is a prisoner of fear and
other emotions, and emotions lead to expectations, expectations lead to paranoid thoughts
which are very often unnecessary.
The dream state
This is the state when you dream an ordinary dream. Here you are even more controlled
by the ego, and if you study your dreams alot you can get to know your ego really good.
Everybody is familiar with this state, you may experience amazing things that
would not happen in the physical plane and yet you still aren t questioning yourself  am
I dreaming? , it s sad but true, for all of us.
The dream state is like an amplified ego state. That s the easiest way to put it. I
already said that emotions lead to paranoid thoughts, well, when you are dreaming those
paranoid and emotional thoughts will take form and lead to hallucinations because the
astral is changeable easy to shape. That s why most of our ordinary dreams aren t truly
the astral most of the time.
If none of us would have egos we could stay lucid as long as we wanted. The bottom line
AP teaches to you is the very same thing that some religions tell you, and that is  to lose
your ego and become lucid.
Here s a simple schematical representation of the states:
Lucid self
Ego self (emotions, desires etc. are created here)
Dream self (emotions, desires etc. are being handled here)
The schematical representation shows from lowest consciousness to the highest with the
lucid state being the highest of course.
In the ego state is where the emotions and desires are created. In the dream state
we then try to work out that stuff. And as for the lucid state we wonder just what they all
are about. Now, in an AP you are lucid and free of course, but the desires always come
around chasing you. They are like a bad itch, it will only go away if you stop scratching,
but you can t. In the lucid state you are above your desires, you feel invincible, you have
lost everything and therefore you are free to do anything. However, the temptation to give
into desire, to give in to the dream state is a big problem. If you do that in an AP it will
shortly end, or continue as a dream.
The ego state is everyday life itself, you are at the same place where your feelings
and desires are made. To get alot of APs and LDs you must not be so attached to the egos
state. And remember, if you have LDs alot it will affect your physical life as well, in the
sense that you will not be so trapped all the time, you will be braver to take actions and
rock the boat instead of just walking around like a zombie in life... I ll try not to be so
philosophical in this section, but it is a solid fact that AP isn t just about leaving the body
and writing down your experiences. AP changed my life, and it s probably impossible
that it won t/hasn t change/changed yours.
The golden rule [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]