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naval jacket with brass buttons.
"Looks good," I said. "Now Whoops. Forgot something."
I closed my eyes and conjured up two cutlasses.
"Hardware," I said, handing Kris one. I raised mine and sliced it through the air. "Think we'll get a chance
to use them?"
"Only if we're lucky. But just in case we do, I'd better switch to this& " He closed his eyes and
transformed the cutlass into a straight sword. He hefted it, spun it in his hand, then smiled, and lunged.
"En garde."
"Uh, pirates, Kris, not the three musketeers."
"Close enough." He thrust the sword at an imaginary foe. "I always told my father those fencing lessons
would come in handy someday."
"So you can really use that thing?"
He grinned. "Try me."
I raised my cutlass into something that vaguely resembled Kris's "en garde" position.
"Ready?" he asked.
I nodded. He lunged forward and knocked the cutlass so hard it flew from my hand, and left my wrist
I ducked to grab my cutlass, then stopped as I felt the tip of his sword pressed against my throat. Still
crouching, I looked up at Kristof.
"It would seem, sir, that you have me at a disadvantage."
"So it would."
He slid the sword tip down my throat to my chest, and traced a line down my cleavage, caught the edge
of the bodice, and plucked it off my breast. The moment his attention was diverted, I flipped backward,
grabbed my cutlass, and sprang to my feet. Kris lunged, sword raised. I feinted and swung around him,
then lifted the cutlass blade to the back of his neck.
When he felt the blade shift, he ducked and spun, sword raised. We sparred for a few seconds. Then he
caught the underside of my cutlass and knocked it from my hand. I quickstepped backward and
slammed into a wide tree. Kristof lifted his sword tip to my throat again.
"Mercy?" he asked.
Kristof laughed and slid the blade down my chest again. This time, he snagged the first lace on the
bodice, and sliced through it.
"Kris& "
He caught the second lace on his sword tip.
"Kris& "
"Oh, you know I wont do anything," he said. "Won't even try. Not until I know you're ready. I just like
to& " A small smile as he pressed against me. "Remind you. In case you've forgotten what it was like."
That was one reminder I never needed. I'd had lovers before and after Kristof never many, I was
always too particular to share my body with just anyone but Kris was the only man I'd ever lost control
with, the only one I'd never been able to get enough of. And now, feeling him hard against me&
Oh, to hell with this.
I tilted my hips up. Kris pressed closer, letting me lift my legs and wrap them around him. I wrapped my
hands in his hair and kissed him. Kris moaned and slid his hands into my breeches, and grabbed my rear,
pulling me tighter against him.
Then he tensed, resisting. After a moment's hesitation, he tugged my arms down and stepped back.
"You aren't ready," he murmured.
I took his hand. He let me slide his fingers under my waistband, then jerked his hand away and took
another step back.
"I don't mean ready for a five-minute bang against a tree, Eve. That's not good enough. I want you back.
For now and forever. I mean that."
"Kris, I've told you "
"You don't want that kind of relationship. Yes, you've said it. Over and over. We couldn't make it work
the first time, so we shouldn't try again. A nice, pat excuse "
"It's not "
"Since when have you ever failed at something once and given up? It's an excuse, Eve a simple excuse
for avoiding the very complex problem that's you and me, and everything we did and didn't do once upon
a time. You aren't ready yet. I know that. And I'll wait until you are." He gave a small smile. "It's not like
I'm going to run out of time."
"I "
"Speaking of time, though, you have a job to do, so I'd suggest we stop screwing around or talking
about why we aren't screwing around and get back to work."
Our goal was, of course, to get passage to Roatan, preferably that night. So we started down to the
wharf. The first three pirates we passed did double-takes at my outfit, but only murmured greetings and
kept walking. When we drew within twenty yards of the harbor, we had to pass a grizzled old salt with
an eye patch. He heaved to his feet and blocked our path, hand on his sword. Unlike the others we'd
seen who'd had the look and dental work of men who'd never seen the Jolly Roger outside a movie
theater this guy could have been the real deal, with blackened teeth, swarthy battle-scarred skin, and
serious hygiene issues& which probably explained why he'd been consigned to harbor duty. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]