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you! How can that be bad?"
More sex? Double the playing field? Why hadn't he thought of it this way before? Screw
the hang-ups about being labeled gay. His biggest problem now would be being called a man-
whore. He could live with that.
"You know what? You're right. What was I worried about? I mean, I'm on an island
where it's practically impossible to be discriminated against when it comes to the gay part, and
yet I still like women and can go back to them anytime I want. So what's the big deal?"
"Right on, bro! That's the way to be!"
"When I move back to the mainland I can pretend this episode of my life never even
"Er, I guess you can--"
"I can still see Nicole and still act in the pirate show. It's not like I have to choose one
over the other. It's fine. It's totally fine." Lucas threw back his head and grinned to the sun. "I
don't know why I was fighting the idea of being bisexual. I guess I just freaked about the guy
part but as long as I only have real sex with women then it's no problem."
"Actually, there is a problem with that plan, bro."
Lucas lifted his head. "What?"
"Being bi is good and all but you can't be bagging girls where Adam can see you doing
Lucas stared at him. "What do you mean?"
Kip swung his arms through the water, digging trenches. "Tyler's got a thing about guys
who swing both ways. Something happened to him with an ex- or something. So Adam's touchy
about it because it upsets Tyler. The rule is no women in the house and no women at crew
gatherings. Like, if we all went to dinner or to a club you couldn't bring a girl along or pick one
up while we're all there."
"Don't tell me: no phone calls to and from girls either?"
"Pretty much."
"Damn it."
Lucas sulked. Talk about rules guaranteed to give him blue balls. And it wasn't as if he
could fight them. He was a guest in Adam's home and in quasi-probationary status on the crew.
He wasn't in a position to argue anything.
All wasn't lost, though. He could work around it, he decided. He'd go on dates with
Nicole or other girls during his personal free time. Adam couldn't control that. Maybe if Lucas
was lucky that female companionship would sway him back to the heterosexual team for good.
Piece of cake.
"Alright, no girls while I'm with the crew. Consider it done." Lucas was already thinking
of ways to contact Nicole without a phone. It shouldn't be too hard since he knew where she
"Good, bro. You don't want to set off Tyler if you don't have to."
Tyler. Though Lucas couldn't stand him, hearing that the other blond had had a tough
time with a former lover stirred his empathy. What had this mysterious boyfriend done to Tyler?
Cheated on him with a woman? Compared him to one? Lucas had to bite back a smile at that last
thought. But in reality Tyler's bitchiness wasn't funny. Especially if it got him what he wanted
out of Adam.
"You know, it's weird," Lucas began cautiously, "but the way you describe Adam and
Tyler's relationship -- it's almost as if Tyler has Adam wrapped around his little finger even
though Adam is in charge. Which I know is nuts, but--"
"It's true," Kip cut him off. "Adam would do anything for Tyler. I'm talking anything.
Which is why I warned you to be careful. Tyler has the power to get you kicked off this island,
bro. You gotta watch what you say and do around him."
"But Adam's the captain. It's his crew and his show."
"Oh, don't get me wrong," Kip hastily backpedaled. "Adam isn't whipped. No way, no
how. Adam will bring down the hammer and Tyler's been smashed beneath it plenty of times just
like the rest of us. But as far as relationship stuff goes Tyler wears the pants. Adam does
everything he can to keep Tyler happy when it comes to lovey-dovey stuff. I'm not talking about
the fucking, of course. Adam's a total top there and pretty dominant. But you already know that. I
think you kinda like that about him," Kip teased.
Lucas hoped he hadn't gone green.
Or red.
"Whatever," he muttered, splashing Kip in the face. "Keep your twisted fantasies to
Kip laughed at him. "So yeah. That's the deal between those two. Watch your step around
Tyler and don't mess with any chicks because if he finds out you'll be in deep shit. And no more
punching him in the face, bro."
"It was an elbow."
"Wish I coulda seen it."
Lucas laughed. "No you don't. He was kicking my ass up until I threw the elbow. It was
pretty shameful." He dropped his chin to the raft again. "There's a girl I want to see again, Kip."
"What did I just tell you?"
"I know, I know. But I'm not gay. Maybe I'm bi but that's as far as I'll go. I still like girls
and I want to get to know this one better."
"Do you really?" Kip looked skeptical.
"Uh huh."
But Lucas wasn't as confident as he pretended to be. A part of him questioned why he
wanted to pursue something with Nicole. He'd recently been dumped by a girl and he'd sworn off
dating until he recovered from the burn of it. Was he latching onto Nicole as a last-ditch effort to
maintain his heterosexuality? Was he only using her?
"Well, you can't bring her back to the house," Kip warned.
"But I can meet her somewhere like I did before." Lucas brightened. "You want to come
with me the next time I do? I think you two would get along. She's pretty cool."
"Bro, you're gonna get me in trouble," Kip moaned. "We just did the bonding, remember?
You're supposed to want to be with the crew more, not less."
"I love the crew," Lucas assured him. "That doesn't change just because I want to date a
girl, Kip."
"But it was supposed to make you want to be with us. You know. Be with us." Kip gave
him a look loaded with innuendo.
Lucas' mouth fell open. "Kip, don't tell me you're talking about orgies or something."
Kip shrugged. "I'm talking about being open to the idea of hooking up within the crew.
We all do it, bro. It's expected that you'd want to too. Last night was supposed to be like, your
coming out party."
"In the gay sense, of course," Lucas said dryly.
Kip grinned. "The only sense that matters, bro." [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]