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with contemporary Native American poetry, especially the early careers of
many poets who are now well-known and widely published.
Chester, Laura, ed. Deep Down: The New Sensual Writing by Women. Faber
and Faber, 1988. One of the first of many collections featuring erotic poetry
and prose by women. Includes authors such as Ai, Olga Broumas, Wanda
Coleman, Jane Hirshfield, and Sharon Olds.
Codrescu, Andrei. Up Late: American Poetry Since 1970. Four Walls Eight
Windows, 1989. An "alternative" anthology of experimental work, variously
feminist, "language," performance-based, transgressive, subversive, plain-
spoken, inscrutable, disjunctive, lyrical, etc. Definitely not the usual sus-
pects. A valuable look at the breadth of current poetic practice.
Dacey, Philip and Jauss, David, eds. Strong Measures: Contemporary American
Poetry in Traditional Forms. HarperCollins, 1986. A wide range of forms,
from acrostics to rubaiyats to villanelles, by writers including John Ashbery,
Robert Creeley, Louise Gliick, Marilyn Hacker, Donald Justice, Galway
Kinnell, Frank O'Hara, Theodore Roethke, Ellen Bryant Voigt, and many
others. Handy indexes at the back: meter and scansion, definitions of all the
forms in the book, and further reading on traditional forms and prosody.
DiYanni, Robert, ed. Modern American Poets: Their Voices and Visions.
Random House, 1987. This book parallels and complements the PBS series,
"Voices and Visions," which first aired in 1988 and presents the work and
lives of thirteen American poets including Elizabeth Bishop, Robert Frost,
Langston Hughes, Sylvia Plath, Wallace Stevens, William Carlos Williams,
and others.
Ferguson, Margaret; Salter, Mary Jo; and Stallworthy, Jan. The Norton
Anthology of Poetry. Fourth Edition. W. W. Norton, 1996. Poetry beginning
with "Caedmon's Hymn" and ending with writers born in the fifties. For a
closer look at poets from Walt Whitman on, try The Norton Anthology of
Modem Poetry.
Finch, Annie, ed. A Formal Feeling Comes: Poems in Form by Contemporary
Women. Story Line Press, 1994. The editor chooses to define formal poetry
broadly, including such things as chants and pun-poems as well as the
familiar traditional forms like sonnets and villanelles. Each writer is repre-
sented with two to six poems, and contributes comments about formal
Forche, Carolyn. Against Forgetting: Twentieth Century Poetry ofWitness. W.
W. Norton, 1993. If you aren't familiar with the stirring, passionate,
engaged poetry that the horrors of the twentieth century have brought forth
from poets around the world  from the Armenian massacres in the early
part of the century to China's Tiananmen Square in 1991  this anthology
will prove a stunning introduction to the power and endurance of the poet-
ic voice in any culture and language.
Harper, Michael S. and Walton, Anthony, eds. Every Shut Eye Ain't Asleep: An
Anthology of Poetry by African Americans Since 1945. Little, Brown, 1994. A
strong anthology, eclectic and regionally diverse.
Hirshfield, Jane, ed. Women in Praise of the Sacred: 43 Centuries of Spiritual
Poetry by Women. HarperCollins, 1994. A comprehensive collection of
poems, prayers, and songs that represent the spiritual life of women from
the world's earliest identified author (a Sumerian moon priestess) to the
women of the first half of the twentieth century. Includes poets as diverse as
Makeda, Queen of Sheba, Sappho, Lai Ded, Anne Bradstreet, Emily
Bronte, Owl Woman, H. D., Anna Akhmatova, and Sub-ok.
Hongo, Garrett, ed. The Open Boat: Poems from Asian America. Anchor Books,
1993. Editor Hongo also contributes an extensive introduction to this col-
lection of contemporary poetry displaying the stylistic, cultural, regional,
and ideological diversity among thirty-one Asian-American poets, including
Chitra Divakaruni, Li-Young Lee, and David Mura.
Appendix B 263
Hoover, Paul, ed. Postmodern American Poetry: A Norton Anthology. W. W.
Norton, 1994. A compilation representing American avant-garde poetry,
including the leading Beat and New York-school poets, the projectivists and
"deep image" poets, among others. A final section on poetics by poets like
Frank O'Hara, Amiri Baraka, and Denise Levertov provides valuable con-
texts for reading the poems.
Klein, Michael, ed. Poets for Life: Seventy-Six Poets Respond to AIDS. Persea
Books, 1989. Poets such as Deborah Digges, Mark Doty, Allen Ginsberg,
Thorn Gunn, Lynda Hull, James Merrill, and others. See also Things
Shaped in Passing: More "Poets for Life" Writing from the AIDS Pandemic,
published by Persea Books in 1997. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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