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carriage) or in a suitable transport case (container, cage, tank) which have to be kept in a vertical
position without vibrations and swings (they could cause the animal's fall). The total weight of
transported animals including transport cases cannot exceed useful weight of the car. Means of
transport and transport case have to be in accordance with next conditions (see figure 3).
Loading and unloading the animals is a very important part of evacuation, which has to be
carried out as soon as possible, and without their stampede. Equipment used for loading (unloading)
the animals (ramps, benches, bridges, platform) should have side barriers, non-skid flooring and
and should enable the animals the sufficient area for their movement ahead.
During the animals loading (unloading) it is necessary to respect safety measures:
" to secure loading ramps and bridges from animals skid,
" to load the big animals in front of the loading area,
" to separate big and small animals by wooden corral,
" to hold the horses and beef-cattle by sufficient long ropes,
" to carry out the loading and unloading the animals only by come to day light, to provide
lighting at reduced visibility.
Loading area of the vehicle, semi-trailer, trailer (thereinafter vehicle) has to be adapted to the
elimination of dynamic effects of the transport according to kind of transported animals. It has to
be equipped with layer (minimum height 80 mm) of suitable litter (straw, sawdust, dry leaf, shavings).
Sand, earth, clinker are not suitable for litter. Height of the walls above loading area ranges from
600 to 2100 mm. The vehicle has to be equipped with sheet to protect the animals against negative
weather attacks.
After having loaded the animals need certain time to adapt to transport conditions. This
adaptation can partially help preventing their stressed behavior during movement to new places.
Before and after transport the loading area has to be cleaned and disinfected. It is recommended
not to feed the animals two hours before the transport. In case the transport takes more than eight
hours, feeding and watering the animals has to be provided:
" on the basis of agreement with organization situated on the evacuation road or in the place of
animals unloading,
" by use of special vehicles equipped with troughs, feeders and feed and water reserves.
Vehicles transporting the evacuated animals are necessary to be marked by title: "TRANSPORT
OF LIVE ANIMALS" and mark indicating vertical animals' position.
Only cargo relating to animals transport and treatment can be transported together with the
animals (harness, tools for care etc.).
During the transport, except strict observance of the law of the road the driver has to observe
certain specific principles of security journey with respect to transported animals (continuous start,
acceleration and braking, speed of drive adaptation to state of terrain and road). Otherwise the
Fig. 3: Requirements for evacuation vehicles.
Rys. 3: Wymagania odnośnie do pojazdów ewakuacyjnych.
To ensure no fall-out or
To enable watering,
To provide security of
leakage of feed
persons and animals
milking the animals
To enable sufficient
observation of
air ventilation
(transport cases)
To prevent escape of To enable natural
To enable mechanical
transported animals position of animal
cleaning and
animal's movement can cause cross acceleration negatively influencing vehicle stability. Stability
loss can result in traffic accident and also threat not only the driver and animals but also other
persons, animals and property situated near crashed vehicle.
After animals unloading it is necessary to take off the dead animals from the vehicle and solve
their speedy liquidation. Further to take off dirty litter, dung, excrements and thoroughly clean and
disinfect loading area.
Comprehensive animals' evacuation is one of the conditions of their early rescue. Decisive
role belongs to the man. Persons owning or responsible for more animals should pay attention to
their evacuation in case of emergency. The aim of the article was not analyze all factors influencing [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]