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of the room. They stumbled each of them trembling violently. Roland
instinctively wrapped his arms around his soon to be bride. "I love you, but
there is no way we are living here."
"Thank you," Katy Anne blew out as she hugged him tighter. They jumped with
surprise as the front door squeaked open.
"Tell my son that we love him, now go," a soft lilting voice echoed.
"I will," Katy Anne promised as a wave of sadness engulfed her. She was crying
as Roland guided her out of the house. The tears didn t stop as they locked
the door and walked away.
Katy Ann was still in a somber mood as they stepped up to the doorway of her
parent s home. "Oh, Katy Anne," Richard sighed deeply as the young couple
approached. "I was hoping," his words were cut off as his daughter threw her
arms around him and engulfed him in a warm hug.
"You re mother wanted you to know that they love you," she choked out before
taking a step back.
Richard s eyes filled with tears as he slumped down onto the steps and buried
his face in his hands. "Did she say anything else?" He pleaded as he wiped his
"To go, so we left," Katy Anne expanded as Roland s head bobbed up and down.
"I keep hoping that they will let someone stay and then maybe I will find out
what happened," Richard wearily explained.
"Sir, I love your daughter more than life itself but there is no way we are
living there," Roland choked out his body still quivering.
"I understand," Richard agreed with a shy smile. "Well then Roland is just
going to have to help me build an extension to this old place."
"Daddy," Katy Anne began to protest.
"No arguments you kids are just starting grad school and working," Richard cut
her off. "We can discuss it over dinner."
Stewart, Massachusetts 2003
Katy Anne St. James stared out her kitchen and smiled sadly at the cottage she
had designed and her husband and father built together. They lived there for
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ABC Amber Palm Converter,
many years until her father passed on. She and Roland moved into the main
house with their teenaged children so they could keep a better eye on her
mother. Now Andrew lived in the cottage, enjoying his freedom while still be
able to raid her refrigerator.
She sighed deeply as she heard the kitchen door opening. "Roland, you left you
socks on the floor again," she chastised without turning around.
"Sorry, Mom it is just me," she heard her daughter explain. Katy Anne smiled
brightly as she turned to find her first born peering into the refrigerator.
"Your socks are probably on the floor as well."
"Yes they are but since I no longer live at home it is none of your business,"
Delia teased her mother.
"Then get your head out of my ice box," she swatted her daughter playfully.
"What brings my brilliant over worked daughter home?"
"The film people have some papers for us to sign," Delia explained as she
pulled left overs from the refrigerator. "They are on the table," she
explained as she made a plate and put it in the microwave.
"Ever thinking of actually cooking for yourself?" Katy Anne chastised her
oldest child as she studied the papers.
"Why would I want to do that?" Delia snickered as she watched the food
"Just a thought," Katy Anne retorted as she rolled her eyes. "This reads
pretty much the same as the others. I hope they have better luck this time. Is
Dr. Williams still refusing to go?"
"Yes, can t say that I blame her," Delia explained as she brought her food to
the table. "It is just that she has gotten closer than anyone else."
"Tell me about the bracelet?" Katy Anne requested as she watched her daughter
"I m almost positive that it was Anna s," Delia supplied. "I checked with the
shop and I couldn t find anything else that I could be definite about. There
weren t any records so it was another dead end."
"That reporter gave her the bracelet?" Katy Anne thoughtfully inquired.
"Interesting. Are they a couple?"
"I don t know," Delia blew out recalling the bizarre interaction between the
two women. "I think they were. Miss Charles is certainly carrying a torch for
Dr. Williams."
"Maybe that is the key?" Katy Anne pondered. "It would be nice to finally put
them to rest."
"Don t get your hopes up," Delia cautioned her mother. "There might not be any
bodies. He could have dumped them at sea. There is going to be this detective
stopping by. It is some kind of new angle the television people are working.
She s investigating the murders as if it were a current case."
"That should be interesting," Katy Anne smiled. "Now tell me what you are
working on and how long you will be in town?"
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ABC Amber Palm Converter,
Atchison, Kansas 2003
"I just want to go home," Faith whimpered every muscle in her body ached. She
had endured another long day with Trudy and company. Since Dave s arrival
everyone s attitude suddenly changed. Now that they knew that she was working [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]