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making relaxation a sensual discipline.
1) Lie down on your back and close your eyes. Use a pillow under your knees
and neck if needed for comfort.
2) Spread your legs slightly and let your arms fall away from your body with
your palms up.
3) Imagine the weight of your body pressing down into the earth while being
entirely supported all around.
4) Just let all the tension in your body go completely, allowing all your muscles
to relax. Let your mind to float free.
5) Focus on the slow steady natural rhythm of your breathing. Let that be the
only thing you're aware of while your mind relaxes.
6) Just float this way for 20 minutes while you witness what your mind and
body experience.
You can practice this regularly before other exercises or anytime you want to
dissolve any of the stresses that you accumulate during normal life. Some find
that by recording these instructions on an audio tape and listening to them in
their own voice helps them relax more and faster.
Exercise: Muscle Relaxation
In this exercise, you'll systematically isolate, tense, and then relax each muscle
group in your body, starting with your toes. When muscles are tense, it's
common for most of us to clench our jaw muscles. So a good tip for all
exercises in this book, especially the relaxation ones, is to keep your tongue on
your palate lightly touching the roof of your mouth. Then you can't
unconsciously bite down hard or gnash your teeth.
1) Lay down and close your eyes in the corpse posture or any other way you
feel comfortable. (If the corpse posture isn't comfortable, find another lying or
even sitting position where you can totally relax.)
2) Focus your awareness on your toes, tense them tightly for a moment, and
then relax them for several breaths.
3) Focus your awareness on your feet, tense them tightly for a moment, and
then relax them for several breaths.
4) Continue doing the same with your lower legs, thighs, genitals, butt,
stomach, lower back, chest, upper back, hands, forearms, upper arms,
shoulders, neck, and jaw.
5) If you feel tension remaining anywhere, repeat the cycle until you feel
relaxed all over.
6) Take a few moments just breathing gently and feel the complete sense of
relaxation sink in deeply.
With enough relaxation practice, your body will remember the sensation and
you'll be able to go into this floating state quickly and easily at will. In Chapter
5, we'll discuss other relaxation techniques such as massage which require a
Exercise: Sitting Meditation
My intention is not to convert you into some kind of modern Yogi or spiritual
guru. But to be completely honest, meditation is one of the most powerful
ways to relax. So I'm including this optional exercise which I hope you'll try at
least a few times to see how powerful it can be.
Meditation is simply sitting and emptying the mind. Since you can't force
thoughts away, this is more challenging than it sounds. Gurus have developed
many meditation techniques that can help you quiet the mind and enter a "no
mind" condition. I've tried many and they all seek to create a deep inner peace
filled with stillness.
The simple method I present here just guides you to watch your breath. It's
good preparation for what's coming, because conscious breathing is one of the
Tantric skills used in the exercises that follow.
1) Sit in a comfortable position in a quiet uninterrupted space. Yes, you have
to turn off your phone, pager, and TV.
2) The classic posture is the lotus position with one legs crossed over the other.
I can't get all the way myself, and it may not be easy for you either. Get as
close as you can to this posturing, insuring at least that you sit upright. I use
a "zafu," a round Japanese meditation pillow that's rather firm and shaped like
a fat pancake, to keep my pelvis higher than my semi-crossed legs. You can
also meditate sitting straight in a comfortable chair or sofa.
3) Meditation is not doing anything - it's simply being. So don't set any goals
or preconceptions of what's going to happen. Just sit for a moment and relax.
4) As you settle in to a comfortable state, you'll undoubtedly discover that your
mind is busy. Don't do anything about it, just let it happen. Witness ideas
floating by like clouds in a brisk wind.
5) To quiet the mind without force, watch your breath coming in and out.
Don't change your breathing consciously, just pay attention to it.
6) You'll probably find your concentration wandering away from your breath.
Don't beat yourself up because it's natural. When you realize you've strayed,
just come back to watching your breath.
7) Gurus advise 15 minutes sitting like this morning and afternoon. Since you
shouldn't be watching the clock, I'm not sure how you should time it. I usually
just remain still until I relax and my mind settles.
If you incorporate regular meditation into your life, you'll find that it's a great
way to relieve stress. It's supposed to be good for you physically and mentally
too. We're mostly concerned here with how it helps you with the Ultimate
Ecstatic Solution. All I can say is that tension makes you cum more easily and
relaxation is vital to lasting longer. Meditation practice isn't essential but it
can be a great tool to release tension and relax.
Exercise: Breathing
When the average person gets close to cuming, their breath becomes shorter
and faster, maybe even panting uncontrollably. So, one of the best ways to
relax when excited is to learn to breathe slower and deeper. Further, it helps
to interrupt the stress response you may experience during exciting or anxious
moments of lovemaking.
Most of us take breathing for granted. We breathe shallowly as a rule. We
could all benefit from mastering the art of Tantric breathing: relaxed, through
the mouth, and deep into the belly. This kind of full breathing lowers the heart
rate and can help dissipate the tension of arousal. Breathing through the
mouth is more physical and sensual as opposed to breathing through the nose
which tends to put the attention in the mind.
1) Lay down in a comfortable position like the corpse posture and close your
2) Remain completely still, relaxing all your muscles, especially your anal and
genital muscles. Press your tongue gently against the roof of your mouth to
keep your jaw relaxed. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]