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those eyes, shivered. Every time Shadow sang, the hashshar got pushier.
It s going to get worse before it gets better, Pikka told herself. Unless I do
something. She folded the razor shut, shoved it back into the clamps, glared
at a triad of tiny hoshyid, who blinked at her and sheared off. As she
watched them trot away, a flicker of red caught her eye. She swung round.
Mordo ducked behind a stall. Koyohk! Dragons. She glanced over her shoulder.
Fann and the rest of the T gurtt were in the shadows behind the Singer,
helping the Liz sack the take and stow it in the harpcase. Trust
Kidork to sniff out piles of it.
When the area had cleared out a little, Pikka Machletta signaled Fann to join
her and moved into the murk next to the wall where she squatted and waited.
Fann drifted back, leaned against the stone.  What? she murmured.
 We goin to get tromped we don do something, huh?
 Dragons. Pikka flicked a finger toward the stall where Mordo had gone to
 Ay-yeh. And I spotted Kalkosh and the Liondogs, Mersheh and the Humminbirds.
And there s always more  n y see.
 Sheeeh. Sharks. Mm.  Member Pepri sayin she goin to put the boot to Dobb?
 Ay-yeh. Did, too. Saw her stickin the notice up this mornin. Fann
rubbed at her nose.  You thinkin....
 By Fairend that case goin to be stuffed. Half the tork-sos  n t gurtsas in
Old Town already sniffin after us, huh? Y go find Pepri, get that room for
us, huh?
 Costish. What  bout key-money? Pepri don do nothin without cash in hand and
she goin to want a thousand guims min.
 We an t payin, she is. Pikka pointed with her chin at the Singer s back.
 More n a thousand in that case ri now, huh? Bring the Liz back here, I talks
it outta him. I want that key soon s y can pry it loose.
 Ing, y know some jinsbeks who stay bought? Ingra made a face.   Pends what
they bought with.
She slapped Pikka s hand away before she got pinched.
 Na-neh, Pikk, be serious. Hmm. Ay-yeh. Costish.
 Tell you like I told Fann, we not payin, Singer is. We goin to get run ov-ah
next time,  thout some muscle out front, huh? Liz says don toss it round, but
spend what we need. Get three if y can, but we settle for two. Y got a half
hour, Ing. Shift it.
 Mem, y got a good eye for size. Go over to Iba Chayt s stall, look out some
secondhand clothes for Shadow and the Liz so they can get outta that stuff
into somethin real before they go back  cross the bridge. If we can keep  em
from gettin killed, the way she haulin it in, we got our Winter Stash made.
Mem nodded.  Then I d better get cloaks, too.
 Ay-yeh. Stop by the Liz, he give you the cash.
 Urn, Pikk. The monks keep getting thicker.
Page 81
ABC Amber Palm Converter,
see  em. Not much we can do  bout it. Shift it, Mem, y be back before she do
it again or y never get through.
The Singer stood, stretched, walked back to the wall.  Busy busy.
 Makin up for lazy heads.
 Bad planning, you mean. I must admit I hadn t ex-pected this much this soon.
 Goin to be craaa-zeee till worldship leave. Pikka fingered her
razor.  Calm down some then.
 Mm. No Goyo yet.

 Y don want to get mess up with Goyo.
The Singer hesitated, impossible to see her face through that veil, so Pikka
had no idea what she was thinking.  I might need to get messed up with Goyo.
 Investigation. Why I m here.
Pikka Machletta looked past her at the shadows among the mirrored columns.  Y
goin to get what y want, but y an t goin to like it.
 Temple. Take a look in there, all them, they monks. Goyo monks. Holy holy
holy, y get? 01
Sh dok n, seem like he got a letch for y .
 Shudokan ... mm. That s the head man in there, him than which there is no
 Y got it.
 How bad is that? How much power do the Monks actually have?
 They got relatives. Pikka snapped thumb against finger.  Ooh ye-ah, they
do. Her voice as deep as she could force it, she said,  Drop that suck-kah
down tha mine. The next words were shrill falsetto.
 Oh yeh-aah, oh yeh-aah, holy holy. She grinned.  Y got fan-nypat from
Luck. Sh dok n, he was eldest uncle to Atsui tha Souse, Kralodate  fore
Kirar, he got to watch where he step or Kirar disappear him down the Jinssi
Hole. He only hangin on  cause Goyo, she spat,  they don like change.

Hrnm. Is all this poking around because I m using the mirrors?
 You know  bout that?
 Pikka, her voice went up and down, breaking the name in half with a choke of [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]