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the point at night and we both knew it. I was stiff with dread and something a bit
What the hell did I think I was doing? I was brimming with anticipation, resolved
to at last put my mouth on this gentle, steadfast young man. Panic, my constant
companion, could fuck off. As could honor, because the word virgin had taken its place
in my lexicon. It fairly drummed inside my veins. I focused on the shocking breadth of
my impure thoughts while Ida Maria sang about liking someone so much better naked.
L.B. Gregg
How appropriate.
He pulled onto the bumbling private drive. Closed at dusk the sign warned. But
Adam had grown up here, as had I, and he took that sliver of roadway to the very end
of the point without hesitation. The headlights gleamed on still dormant trees. The
branches glittered as if adorned with a million sparkling diamonds. Further out, our
lights disappeared into the ghostly fog over the inky expanse of Bantam Lake.
We came to a stop and Adam shut the car off, the radio too. You good?
 I m hanging in there. I m not leaving the car though.
 Me either. It s pretty damn dark. He laughed.
With the radio off, the night was filled with the noise of woodland frogs. Even with
the windows closed, we could hear their peeping. Adam didn t seem to know where to
put his hands. They went from the steering wheel to his thighs. Then he crossed his
arms. He uncrossed his arms. I watched, wondering if it was good form to grab a virgin
by the neck and have my way with him.
The inside of the car turned warm and nearly oppressive with silence. How should
I do this? The seconds ticked by, each one longer and hotter. When had I become so out
of practice? I wanted him. I knew he wanted me. He looked point blank at me, not
saying a Goddamn word, and he fucking willed me to do something. We stared at each
other and& older, wiser, more experienced, this thing was up to me. His gaze flickered
to my mouth, back to my eyes, to my mouth again and desire moved me forward. Are
you nervous?
A laugh puffed on a tiny breath and he nodded.  Maybe a little.
He laughed again and I couldn t wait another moment. I was going to lay my hand
on him and then, sweet Jesus, I was going to put my mouth on him.
In And Out
In the dim light, his gaze was eager and bright but when I touched his neck, when
that first spark of finger to flesh shocked us both, he flinched with the power of it. His
mouth trembled and he closed his eyes. I threaded my fingers through the silken
strands of his hair and he leaned into me, so eager, so ready, as if he were desperate to
be touched in kindness. He leaned into me and I knew that this bold, strong, delicious
boy had been as bereft of human contact as me.
Promises be damned. I met him halfway and nipped his lip. A tiny hitch of breath
escaped him. Our first contact and I bit him. I was nothing if not smooth. I brushed my
mouth gently, easing the sting of my teeth.
I whispered,  Thank you for taking me here, Adam.
My words were barely out before his mouth came hungrily, greedily to mine. The
satin flesh of his lips, moist and flavored of gin, opened and I tongued him. I forged in
and took his mouth, this first kiss deep like a perfect fuck. I filled him and he yielded
into my arms with a willing moan. I cupped his bold jaw, tilting him into my embrace,
topping him and showed him the raw pleasure of one man s mouth on another.
Adam s surrender took me from just hanging in there to Goddamn you re so lovely, lovely,
let me have you.
He squeezed my shoulder roughly, twisting in the bucket seat trying to twine
himself around me. So fucking impatient to be had, his knee met the steering column
with a crack and I regretted my shortsightedness. Why did I buy a car with so little
legroom and such a cumbersome console? It separated us. I was too big to climb over.
That dumb divider served to slow me down which was important in a way. I longed
for a minivan or a flat bed truck or a damn camper. Something to lie down in.
Something to lie him down on. I wanted to be between his thighs, rubbing him to
screaming release in comfort, if not style.
I licked his neck, sucking rough skin and tasting soap. And then I bit, putting my
stamp on his flesh. I threw caution out the fucking window and peeled his shirt over his
L.B. Gregg
head, cooing and coaxing. Inane words,  Yes, there you go, you re so lovely, and I
tossed that rag behind us into the cramped backseat of my pretentious car.
Why didn t I buy the Hummer? I mean other than it not fitting into the garage?
Adam wiggled as I searched his pecs, seeking his budded nipple. His breath hissed
between his teeth as I pinched that little brown nub and then I sucked it, drawing it in,
stretching it with my teeth. Some men didn t enjoy nipple play but Adam was holding
me against his chest, his pulse erratic, his fingers digging into my hair. I suckled and
nipped while he gripped me and breathed. Oh yeah.
I needed to slow down, but that was beyond me. He wanted it. Shit, he was panting
hard enough to fog the windows. That might have been my heavy breathing as well,
because I wanted it too. I moved to lick his stomach and buried my fingers into his
pants. A wet tip eased my grip and his bold young cock slid neatly into my curled fist.
Carried away by the sex noises that filled the car, I whispered darkly,  Open your
pants for me, Adam.
He nodded, jerking to unzip, and then he unbuttoned his stained work pants. He
was raw and hard and crude and I wanted him buck naked, lubed and riding my cock. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]