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looking at the end result. Ideally you should try to meet with the potential client in
person when you present your final proposal with money involved so that you
can be there to help them realize the value of every aspect of the proposal.
Copyright © 2009. Hippo Data Services, LLC. All Rights Reserved. 50
Action Step: Decide where to meet your potential clients to present them
with the final proposal and write it down.
How Do You Close the Deal?
A great way to start the closing process is to simply ask,  What do you think? If
there is any objection or concern from the client this will be the time that it will
come up. If the client wants to see a lowered price and you wish to accommodate
them, then you should lower the scope of what will be done as well. Offer to drop
off a few services to save them money. More times than not, the client will go for
the entire package as they will already know the value of the package as a
Action Step: Decide ahead of time what services can be trimmed in order to
save a client money and write down those services and what it will save the
Once you are confident enough in your system and are sure it will work you can
offer a guarantee of some sort to further entice the client to close the deal.
Remember it is okay to do whatever it takes to close your first deal. What you will
find is that once you have one deal done the others will fall into place. One client
can lead to many more via references and or testimonials  so close that first
deal. Once you get that first client and you get going, momentum will take over
from there.
Some key points to remember:
·ð Be clear on one-time applications and monthly applications and why each
is important.
·ð Manage your client s expectations and make sure that they know certain
results will take time for them to see.
Copyright © 2009. Hippo Data Services, LLC. All Rights Reserved. 51
·ð Always refer to money being spent by the client as an  investment rather
than an expense.
·ð Make sure that the final proposal is signed off on by the client and marked
Copyright © 2009. Hippo Data Services, LLC. All Rights Reserved. 52
Bonus Interview: The 4 Skill Sets
Dan Swanson, President of Nitro Marketing, shares how to partner up, or
outsource your weakest areas or the things you just don t want to do. People
coming into this training usually fall on one side of the fence or the other. Either
you re somebody who is outgoing, talking to people is easy and going out and
getting clients is something you enjoy but the implementation side for clients is a
concern. The opposite side is people who feel confident with the implementation
and online marketing side, but sales and marketing and meeting with people is
In business, nobody is Superman, skilled in all areas. The reality is that we have
some strengths and some weaknesses. It s usually not possible for one person to
have all of the skills necessary. It s good as you re starting your business for you
to understand that you don t have to be strong in all areas. Use your strengths
and then find others to do the other things.
There are 4 skill sets you ll be using in building your business for online
marketing for local business. The four main tasks in this business:
·ð Lead generation  where do you find out about the prospects?
·ð How do you sell a prospect on your project?
·ð How do you manage the project?
·ð Implementation
Of the four main tasks a person is usually good at one or two and not all. Don t
beat yourself up for not having all the skills. You don t have to do it all. Soar with
your strengths! Ignore your weaknesses and find someone to partner with that
has the strength you lack. So many people are looking for something new and [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]