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the bathroom, so Jesse followed him in.
As soon as he cleared the threshold, he was knocked unconscious.
100 Lynn Hagen
Chapter Nine
Craig paced back and forth in Zeus s office while Eagle told
Avanti that he had lost Jesse.
Avanti wasn t too happy to say the least. Zeus was the only one to
keep Avanti from attacking the other soldier. Avanti shifted and
growled, snapped, and snarled at Eagle, letting him know that as soon
as Zeus moved he was attacking.
 This isn t going to solve anything, now stand the fuck down,
Zeus commanded.
Avanti backed up but didn t shift back. Craig ran his hands over
Avanti s neck, trying his best to give his mate comfort, especially
when he felt none himself.
 Now tell me what happened? Zeus turned to Eagle.
 He was sitting at the bar. Then he got up and went to the men s
room. I went in when he was in there too long, and there wasn t
anyone in there. I can t figure out how he got out. And Sammy is
missing as well.
Zeus ran his hands over his bald head, growling in aggravation.
 What did you scent?
 That s the crazy part. I smelled humans, shifters, and vampires.
All three scents were fresh.
Craig s chest tightened. If anything happened to his Jesse, he
wouldn t be able to go on. The man was shy, bold, funny, kind,
compassionate, and sexy as hell. He had wanted him from the
moment he laid eyes on him. Life wouldn t be worth living without
Jesse in it. He had Avanti, but it would be like trying to live with half
a soul.
Avanti 101
His fingers curled into Avanti s fur a little too tightly. His wolf
turned his head and whined, licking Craig s free hand. He lightened
his hold, feeling the tears close to falling.
 I want the soldiers to hunt him down. We will not rest until Jesse
is returned to our pack and Sammy to Theo s. Get ready for a battle. I
have a feeling Hank s plan was just implemented. Zeus pulled his
cell phone out.  Torem, gather the men and have them in my office
within twenty minutes. He snapped his phone closed and threw it
onto his desk.
Within twenty minutes, the office was filled with soldiers. They
looked at one another, wondering why they were summoned. Craig
saw the curious look when they noticed Avanti in wolf form. He
didn t care what happened in here. He stood next to his wolf proudly
and supported him.
The only thing on his mind was getting Jesse back.
 We have a missing mate.
The room erupted in growls.  Jesse is missing along with Sammy.
He s a human that works at Theo s. They both disappeared from there
without a trace. I want them back, no excuses, and I will not accept
defeat. Zeus turned to Knox and Taz.  You two stay behind and
guard the men here.
The soldiers cleared the office, leaving Avanti and Craig with the
Alpha.  I ll watch your mate if you want to go look for your other
one, Zeus offered.
Avanti nudged Craig over to the Alpha, licked his hands, and then
took off.
Craig watched as his second mate left him. The emptiness
surrounded him. What if they couldn t find Jesse and Avanti
disappeared as well? How could he live without either of them?
 They ll find him. Why don t you sit with Toby in the living
Craig nodded, feeling numb inside. He walked down the hall, his
mind gone. Instead of going into the living room, Craig climbed the
102 Lynn Hagen
steps to their bedroom. He wanted to lay where he felt the closest to
He pushed the bedroom door open and stopped. The bed sat there
looking so cold without his men. Craig crawled onto the mattress and
grabbed the pillow, inhaling Jesse and Avanti s scent.
 I thought that little diversion tactic would get the men out of this
Craig froze. He knew that voice, would never forget it.
* * * *
Jesse blinked his eyes open, trying to focus. His thoughts were
jumbled as he tried to remember what happened.
 The faggot s awake, a deep voice said.
Jesse looked over his shoulder to see three men looking at him
with open disdain. There was a warm body beside him. Jesse turned
his head, and a pain shot down his spine. He closed his eyes, waiting
for the wave of nausea to recede. When he was able to open them,
Sammy was lying next to him.
The small man was still out cold. A trickle of dried blood ran from
his scalp to his jaw. Jesse scented the air but wasn t sure if Sammy
was alive or not. His anger boiled up at the thought of these fuckers
harming an innocent man.
 He didn t do anything. Jesse had a feeling he knew who they
Dirk s men.
 He helped lure you in. We could have let him go, but why? The
man looked at the other men and laughed.  He s a faggot, right?
 Yeah, boss, he sure is. Some little piece of shit acting as a
sidekick chimed in.
The man turned back to Jesse.  He don t matter. Mezza fanooks
never do, you frickin jabone. The other men snickered, and that
Avanti 103
only seemed to fuel the fat man insulting him. Jesse didn t know what
a jabone was, but he was pretty sure it wasn t something pleasant.
 He called you an asshole and the other guy a faggot. One guy
 It isn t funny if it needs to be explained, Jesse said casually
although he was feeling anything but casual. Thank goodness they
weren t shifters, or they would smell the pure terror rolling off of him.
The interpreter turned beet red and backhanded Jesse.  You got a
smart mouth.
Jesse s jaw tightened, refusing to react to him. He would shift, but
he was afraid while fighting to take three men down, one would get to
 That s right, shut your frickin trap. The man turned to the
others and laughed.
Jesse turned and fought the wave of nausea as he checked on
Sammy. He was still out.
If he got out of this, they were all dead.
* * * *
Avanti and the other soldiers followed Jesse s scent. He was
dumfounded when he followed it right upstairs from Theo s.
Sammy s apartment.
Were they total morons? Avanti didn t like this. It was too easy.
There was no way Dirk could be this inept if he ran the Mafia. An
uneasy feeling settled in the pit of his stomach.
He shifted, giving the signal for the others to get ready. Avanti
lifted his foot, kicking the door in. The wolves swarmed the small
It was empty.
* * * *
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Craig whimpered when Dirk knocked him to the floor.  This is
the thanks I get for taking you in and raising you as one of my own?
Craig wiped the blood from his mouth. A part of him snapped at
that moment. He was done being his uncle s punching bag. The
beatings were going to stop, even if it meant death. He was going to
finally stand up for who he was.
 You can beat me all you want. I still love them. He pushed
himself off the floor and squared his shoulders.  They love me more
in the short amount of time I ve been with them than you ever have
raising me.
Craig s head hit the floor with a loud smack.  You grew balls,
 You can call me gay all you want. I won t deny it. That doesn t
make me less of a human being. Craig stood back up, glaring at
Dirk. He had to stand up to his uncle once in his life, and the thought
of what Jesse may be going through made him unstoppable. He was
going to get out of here and he was going to find his wolves.
And then Dirk was gonna die.
* * * *
Jesse felt Sammy move behind him. They were lying on an old,
ratty mattress on the floor. He had to find a way to tell the guy to stay
still with his eyes closed. He had a gut feeling that if Sammy opened [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]