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And the clock keeps ticking
louder and louder &
Love by the hour
Love by the hour
ood evening, everybody. This is the Archangel calling, and I really do give my love by the
hour. It s rather cooler tonight, isn t it? Almost lovely. No violent weather on the horizon,
fortunately. That storm last night knocked your poor angel right out of the air, feathers and all.
For a while, she was just a little wet bird.
 In any case, it s good to talk to you again. I ve been. especially anxious to come on the air
tonight because, well I suppose I mustn t complain, but the fact is your Archangel has had a long
and very trying day.
 Have any of you read the Journal this evening? Well of course you have! I ve got a copy right
here. Let me see.  Tornado Deaths Mount to Five. That happened in Randolf on Friday.&
 Robbers Loot Three Safes of $450 Cash. This right below a picture of Miss Jocelyn Lee, who was
married Sunday in Hollywood to director Luther Reed. Do you sometimes get the feeling that
these Hollywood stories are completely made up? Who is Jocelyn Lee? Or Luther Reed, for that
matter? The Archangel s Los Angeles friends tell her that Hollywood is practically empty. Perhaps
that s the reason someone like Luther Reed got his chance to direct! Anyway, what else is here &
Oh, yes,  Chicago Police Chief Quits Under Reporter Murder Fire. And finally we ve got  Bandits
Shot Near Anoka Cleared of Detroit Lakes Bank Raid. All very interesting, but of course, none of
these stories has anything to do with what is actually happening in this town. These headlines are
interchangeable with the headlines of a hundred other days this year. They absolutely have
nothing to do with reality.
 What I m going to tell you is for your own good. You know the Archangel would never lie to you.
I m afraid we all had better get prepared, because the epidemic is with us again.
 I know. You would rather have me play records and tell amusing stories, but tonight, you see,
I m feeling rather discouraged, and I think, somehow, it s up to the Archangel s listeners to make
the effort to try to cheer her up. Could you send some cheerful thoughts my way? Maybe if all of
you just closed your eyes now  yes, that s right, close your eyes and think any good thoughts you
can and attach them to my name. It s like addressing a telegram. Maybe if I feel all of you out
there thinking good things about me, I ll feel a little better about telling you these things.
 They always kill the messenger, you see.
 There. Thank you. I think yes, I actually do feel something good. Oh, thank you all! I m sure you
probably think your poor Archangel s crazy, talking about sending thoughts through the air like
that. Well, all I can say is that those of you who are a little older can probably remember when the
idea of sending the sound of an angel s voice through the air without wires would have seemed
equally absurd.
 At any rate, let me go on. I read you these headlines because they are a screen that certain
people have put up to protect you from the truth. They do this because they don t trust anyone
with the truth other than themselves. They think it is their treasure, to twist and play with as they
think necessary.
 No doubt, listeners, these truth-tenders of the Journal, and of KMPS and WCCO and the other
radio stations in town, believe they will spare our city the kind of civil strife and destruction that
has brought so many other cities to their knees across the country. They feel that if they do not
publish the facts about the numbers of people who have already died in the past two weeks, and
the hundreds and probably thousands more who will die in the weeks ahead, that life will
somehow go on as it always has, and that when the outbreak has spent itself as it has done in the
past we will still have a city, and laws, and jobs, and homes to work with.
 But these men make a terrible mistake, because they represent the society they profess to
protect. And by lying to save it, they call into question whether or not the society that turns away
from the truth deserves to survive. Their stratagem has the opposite effect of that intended, [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]