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"You mean he "
"Flutters and tweets."
"Wait a moment, Doctor! I thought Tranites were hermaphroditic?"
"No, no, no!" The undulating of his aural appendages indicated that he was wincing. "This
has nothing to do with that. Look, Tranites either flutter or they tweet. They do not do both."
"I don't follow you."
"In Tranite society, there are two classes. One class is constantly without funds. They are the
flutterers. The other class always have a stash. They are tweeters. "
"I'm with you so far."
"Although this fellow has plenty of funds which he tweets about
 he fears that there may not be enough and so he flutters. He is caught in a vortex of
perpetual anxiety."
"What is this syndrome called?"
My mouth dropped open.
"I'm jesting," he chuckled. "Just jesting." He slapped my midsection again.
"Really, Doctor."
"My apologies. In all seriousness, I do not know what to call this symptomology. It is at times
like this when I realize how difficult the task before us truly is we can only do what we can
"You mustn't give up, Doctor." I placed my hand on his shoulder hump and patted. "This
Tranite needs you."
"I have tried everything on the poor chap." Boateh shook his head, dislodging four or five tiny
tentacles. One fell over his top eye, giving him an endearing, harried look. "I am afraid he is
quite incurable."
"I am so sorry."
His main tentacle draped companionably over my neck and we continued on with a tour of
the grounds yet I could tell that the good doctor had lost his enthusiasm. I knew he was still
thinking of the incurable Tranite.
We concluded the meeting shortly thereafter with the Doctor apologizing for stroking his
forelock so often. "Irresistible impulse."
I left MukLuk and, once again, found myself in my magic bullet. Alone with the stars. And
I wrote the article on Boateh and his work for which I was fabulously admired.16
But that wasn't the end of the story&
Some time later I happened to be back in Sector 8 on another assignment. As I was
passing rather close to MukLuk, I decided to give the good doctor a call.
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He was immensely happy to hear from me.
"I enjoyed the article!"
I told him I was glad to hear it and we talked for quite awhile before I broached the subject
that was still on my mind. "Doctor& how is the Tranite doing?" Boateh looked away from the
screen, lorgnette dangling.
He seemed embarrassed by something.
"Yes, well, he was released not too long ago."
I was stunned. "Marvellous! He was cured then?"
"Hmph. Not quite. It seems one of our explorers on the outer beltway discovered an entire
colony of Tranites that flutter and tweet. I tried to tell the hospital's board of regents that the
whole colony was suffering from a mass dysfunction "
"How did they respond?"
"They insisted I release the Tranite immediately. Of course, I am still pursuing the subject
and am currently writing a treatise on the malady."
"I shall look forward to reading it, Doctor."
We said our goodbyes and as I turned my ship on its proper course, I marvelled at how often
great minds are so misunderstood.
Inside the book industry and to her countless readers worldwide, Dara Joy is considered a
publishing phenomenon. Hailed as "a breakout talent" by Publisher's Weekly, blazing new
trails is a top priority for this writer who especially loves to push the boundaries of fiction.
Ms. Joy has written eight consecutive New York Times and USAToday bestselling novels.
Never content to rest on her past success, Dara is a writer that takes risks.
Dara has been inducted into the Romance Writers of America's "Honor roll", an exclusive
list which honors top authors in the romance field. She is an active member of the Science
Fiction Writers of America, as well as the Author's Guild. All of Ms. Joy's novels and
anthologies are still in print an amazing eleven years after publication and are constantly
reprinted and stay shelved at all major book chains. Her books are sold worldwide and have
been translated into several languages, including German, Norwegian, Chinese, Korean,
and Russian.
Come to the castle and enter the worlds of Dara Joy on the worldwide web!
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Google-Oogle Rumpling
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