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walk away and gossip about me to any woman you meet. I m not that sort of man.
Her eyes widened. He looked sane.  Ooookay, she said, humoring him.
 After all, he added, gazing down at her pert breasts below him,  I could be pregnant.
She started to laugh, but then the thought began to flower in her own mind as she stared up into his
eyes.  Pregnant.
The smile faded. He touched her soft mouth with his fingertip.  Pregnant. He drew in a long, slow
breath.  Gracie, you really could be pregnant. With my baby. His black eyes glittered with pure
A noticeable shiver ran through her body. She looked radiant.  I would love that! she whispered
He nodded solemnly.  So would I. He pulled away from her and got to his feet, pulling her up beside
him. He smiled at her shy glances as he went to turn the shower on.  Which is why we re wasting no
time. No modern arrangements for us. We re going the traditional route.
She followed him under the warm spray and hugged him with a long, soulful sigh.  This isn t
 Actually it is, if you remember your history, he teased as he reached for washcloths and soap.  The
intent to marry was all that was required for couples to indulge each other like this, even during the
sixteenth century. It was called hand fasting, I believe.
She laughed, because he was right.  I believe I have the history degree in this family, she pointed out.
He bent and kissed her nose.  I believe you do. He touched her cheek lightly. His eyes were full of
dreams.  I should have asked, instead of telling. Will you marry me, Gracie?
 Of course, she replied softly.
Smiling, he moved closer and began soaping her soft skin with the cloth.
SHE D HAD SOME IDEA that they might sleep separately, but he wouldn t hear of it. He tucked her
up into his arms in her bed and held her close all night. He couldn t bear to be separated from her
even by a wall, he said with such sincerity that her heart raced.
The next morning, he came to wake her up with a steaming cup of fresh coffee. He was already
dressed. He sat down beside her and kissed her tenderly.
 Wake up and get dressed. I ve got breakfast ready. We ll leave as soon as we eat.
 I have to do something about the mess in the bathroom, she said and then flushed as she recalled
what had happened in there.
 I put the lot in the washing machine, he said quietly. He touched her tousled hair gently.  Gracie, I
didn t mean for it to happen like that, he said apologetically.
He looked torn. She reached up and traced his high cheekbone.  I know. Neither did I. She smiled
shyly.  I didn t realize how& intense& things could get.
He laughed shortly.  Especially for a man who s abstained for the better part of two years.
She caught her breath at what he was admitting.
He shrugged.  I wasn t able to want anyone else.
For all that time, she was thinking. And while he was standing back, hoping for her to see him as a
man, she d been pretending everything was normal and trying not to translate her love for him into
something physical out of fear.
 I kept backing away, she said slowly,  because I didn t think I was capable of giving you what you
would have wanted. I was tied up in the past, scared to death of anything physical. I was afraid to even
experiment. My poor mother, she added sadly.  I don t think she had any idea what she was supposed
to feel.
 No wonder, he replied.  I m sorry about that.
 So am I. She searched his black eyes.  I never dreamed it would feel like that, she murmured.
 It would never feel like that with any other man, he assured her quickly.  You d break out in purple
spots if you even let another man kiss you. And God forbid, if you did anything more, you d grow an
extra arm in the middle of your forehead. He put his hand over his heart.  I swear, he added, all with
a straight face.
She burst out laughing and reached up to draw him down into her arms, hugging him with fierce
He laughed, too.  You just remember that, he told her.
 I will. She searched his eyes.  As if I could ever let another man touch me!
He drew away, winked at her and got to his feet.  Come on. Get a move on. I want to rush you to the
altar before any competition shows up.
 There isn t any competition, she told him firmly.  There never has been. Not since the day I first
saw you.
His high cheekbones went a little dusky, and he laughed. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]