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Los Alamos by a tube shuttle. The entire installation was devoted to a pair of the Totality Concept's
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overprojects, Whisper and Excalibur. The Overproject Whisper subdivisions were Operation Chronos and
Project Cerberus. My work was conducted primarily on Level Four, and Chronos occupied Level Five. I
knew Overproject Excalibur and its subdivisions occupied biogenetics laboratories on Level Six, and
perhaps even a secret Level Seven, but inasmuch as I was a cyberneticist and physicist, my interest in
genetics was limited.
"At any rate, my work focused on Cerberus, the mat-trans units, on how to reconcile quantum theory with
relativistic Einsteinian physics. The technology in Dulce was not theoretical. The hardware worked,
though no one really knew how it worked, and no one wanted to admit where the principles to build the
first experimental gateway unit originated. After a couple of years, after a few promotions, after a few
security-clearance upgrades, I finally did learn.
"The Totality Concept researches dated back to World War II, when German scientists were laboring to
build what turned out to be purely theoretical secret weapons for the Third Reich. The Allied powers
adopted the researches, as well as many of the scientists, and constructed underground bases, primarily in
the western U.S., to further the experiments. Dulce, of course, was a main nexus point.
"I was enthralled and delighted with the place, at least for the first few years. The center was filled with
meticulously chosen technicians, and it was a source of great pride to be one of them. Dulce, for all its
secrets, its stringent security procedures, was devoted to pure research. We had limitless support and
funds. Since I was young and naive, and my one passion was science, I was obsessed with my work,
especially since the Totality Concept was classified 'Above Top Secret.' It was known only to a few very
high ranking military officers and politicians. I doubt even the Presidents who held office during my
tenure there were aware of the full ramifications. Obviously I felt very special.
"As the years wore on, I became Project Cerberus overseer. During my rise, I heard a number of whispers,
rumors about Dulce and about the other research on different levels. When my security classification was
upgraded to MAJIC status, I asked to visit the other divisions, which hitherto had been off limits to me.
Instead, an Air Force general handed me a briefing paper and waited for me to read it, hovering nearby
with his hand on his side arm and never leaving the room.
"The document was issued from an ultrasecret think tank known as MJ-12. This was the name of a
governmental control group, more or less the people who oversaw and approved our work. Rather than
answering my request, the document essentially outlined where the source of our technology originated. I
learned it was not built on German research at all, but was the result of an alliance between the U.S.
government and the Archons.
"Although I spent most of my time in the Dulce installation, I didn't live in a complete vacuum. Urban
legends and conspiracy theories had filtered into the public consciousness to such a point that even I, in
my vanadium-alloy tower, had heard the tales of aliens, of grays, of mysterious animal mutilations and of
Area 51, where captured extraterrestrial spacecraft were allegedly undergoing back-engineering. As a
scientist, I discounted just about everything I had heard or read or seen on television. You can imagine my
shock when the briefing document confirmed nearly all I had been sneering at for years.
"That revelation was stunning enough, but when the general asked me for my opinion of the paper, my
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reaction was much the same as yours, Kane. I said, 'Prove it.'
"Unfortunately he did. I wish now, in many ways, he had simply shot me dead on the spot. I was escorted
up to Level Three, which I had always assumed to be a maintenance area. There, the general allowed me
to peer through a window into a room that held a visiting Archon, or as they officially designated them,
'Pan-Terrestrial Biological Entities.'
"I was terrified in its presence, even though it could not see me. At first, I told myself it was a cunningly
crafted animatronic model, such as those built for amusement parks. But I saw it walk, move, breathe,
blink and interact with another human being.
"I was only allowed to observe it for a minute. The general led me away. He seemed sympathetic to my
stunned state, and was patient with my babbled questions. He explained that although the Archons had
never allowed a physical examination of themselves, the military had in their possession several bodies
taken from 'saucer' crashes that had occurred shortly after the war. Evidently these accidents precipitated
modern contact with the entities. Autopsies had been performed on the corpses, and the consensus was
that the Archons were descended from an unknown reptilian species that had cross-bred with sapient
humans several millennia ago.
"Furthermore, the general told me that certain branches of the government had entered into a pact with the
Archons, and in 1953, agreed on an exchange with them for high-tech knowledge, and to allow them the
use of underground military bases. He refused to tell me what our side of the trade agreement was to be.
He added that if I ever mentioned to anyone what I had just seen and heard, 'buzzards would be picking
my bones out of the desert.'
"Though it was difficult, I focused on my work, trying to forget everything about Archons and trade pacts.
My focus bore fruit, and in 1989, we had the first successful long-distance matter transfer of a living
subject. That success was reproduced many times, improving and modifying the gateways. Then within a
year of our victory, things began to change in a sinister fashion.
"By the early 1990s, the Project Cerberus staff were suddenly under the impositions of a timetable. We [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]