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mean&  She swallowed past the lump at her throat and stared at the money once again. It wasn t a lot
to some people, but it was huge to her.  Thank you. But I m not staying with you. I m not going
anywhere with you but to the hotel. You and I being near a bed ain t happening.
Ever. Because he was too tempting and probably knew a million ways to seduce someone. Not
that he d seduce her or want to seduce her, but she did have a vagina&
Trista tried again.  Don t you remember? You re supposed to be running me out of town on a
misguided concept of authority and righteousness, not leading me to my potential death and
dismemberment. Hopefully in that order if it has to happen.
This time they turned left, bouncing over the rutted road, but she couldn t be bothered with their
surroundings. The important thing was to get him to swing his happy SUV-driving ass around and take
her to the hotel. Going anywhere with an Abrams was a bad, bad idea.
Really bad.
 Misguided? He glanced at her, a single brow raised.
Trista winced.  Misguided may not have been the right word. Maybe ignorant. That s better. It s
more ignorance and authority than anything.
Based on his frown, she didn t think she d made things better. A closer look revealed she may
have made it worse.
 I m ignorant? Do you know who I am?
 Is that a trick question? We ve already established you re Keen Abrams. Your brothers are Ty,
Van, and Isaac. The Itan, Enforcer, and Healer respectively. Also, in case you were wondering, they d
probably enjoy me being on the  die today menu.
Suddenly the SUV came to a jerky stop, the action causing her to thump against her seat with a
grunt. He cut the engine and shoved his door open, leaving her to gawk at her surroundings. The house
that loomed before them was massive and yet it appeared welcoming. It had that old-world, southern
charm thing going on with its high pillars and white exterior.
It also had a very large glaring male standing next to a very pregnant female who was bracketed
by a familiar, very evil bear cub.
Keen appeared at her door, tugging it open before reaching across her and freeing her from the
 You really did bring me to the clan den. He didn t deny it and her doom stood on the porch and
crossed his massive arms over his chest.  Please remember: death then dismemberment. That part is
Yup, dying, dead, and gone.
She shook her head.  Keen 
He placed his finger over her lips.  Hush. You need a place to stay and, for now, this is where
I m at. So, you re crashing here. I ll keep you safe.
She licked his finger to get him to stop touching her. No matter their age, boys did not like getting
licked by surprise.  You re tying the words  you and  where I m staying together and I don t like
 Trista, he sighed.  Right now, I need you to let it go.
She looked at him then, stared into his eyes that should be brown and were now black. Allowing
her gaze to shift to the male on the porch, she quickly redirected it to Keen.
 I m going to be safe? I m really not ready to die. She wasn t prepared to join her mother.
 You re going to be safe, he nodded.
 Even from him and the spawn from the seventh level of hell?
Keen glanced over his shoulder and then turned back to her, a smile on his lips.  Yes, even from
the spawn.
 Why should I trust you? That was the big one. When she moved past everything that d happened
in the last several hours there was one thing glaringly obvious.
Token protests. She d given half-hearted objections when he d done this or that. For some reason,
that snarly part of her wanted to be near Keen and worked to push aside every objection she had.
Keen brushed strands of her hair from her face and tucked them behind her ear. His fingertips
skimmed her cheek, callused skin abrading hers, but she didn t want him to stop touching her. The
scent of Craven s blood hit her nose, but beneath it lurked Keen s and she was okay with that.
Okay with his nearness, his touch, his decisions&
Stupid animal thing that trusted him and accepted that he could would defend her.
 Because I understand the laws of visitation and you know the textbook definition of purge.
Because I think dealing with people like Craven is pretty standard for you and maybe I d like to show
you it doesn t have to be. He cupped her cheek and his tenderness nearly brought tears to her eyes.
Nearly.  And worst case, I ll take you wherever you want to go in the morning. For right now, give in
and sleep.
Rhinos stomped through her stomach, bringing along a good dose of panic and fear.
 I won t be safe here, Keen. She wheezed out the words.
 Yes, you will. You ll be here as my guest.
She snorted.  Of the bears? The ones who drove out an entire pack of hyenas? Which, by the way,
I happen to be one.
So was her mother. Kind of. Sorta, but not really.
 Trista? His gaze remained focused on her while he caressed her cheek.  I ll take care of you.
She wanted to believe him so, so badly. For once in her life, she wanted to be able to lean on
someone else. Just once&
Making a decision, she brushed aside his touch and straightened. She drew her emotions back into
her body, hiding them. She d try and believe in him, but she d keep her heart locked away and out of
reach.  I have to be out of Grayslake and at the gas station by eleven.
He frowned, but nodded.  I ll get you there. C mon.
C mon. Like it was so easy to crawl from the SUV and follow a man toward the male who may
have ordered her mother s death.
Chapter Four [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]