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 It only takes once, Rebecca sang, waving her fork about.
 No way tater tot, you re just saying that because misery loves company. Abby smiled at her mates
 New topic. Since Moe and Rhys have agreed that we need to move since the bar loft doesn t have
enough space for the three of us& 
 Maybe four, Rebecca chimed in. Abby ignored her.
 I was wondering about the house down the road behind the diner. I saw it driving in.
 No. No way. Aleks shook his head.
 No. Rian shuddered.
 That may not be the best idea, Ma said diplomatically.
 The pack member that helped me relocate said that place was haunted. It s why I bought the
house when I first moved to Arkadia despite it being so big, Caleb said, holding Merrick.
Abby and Rebecca turned to face each other.
 No. Becca no! Aleks started.
 A freaking haunted house in a shifter town! When can we go? Rebecca asked, ignoring Aleks.
 Becca. Aleks shook his head.
 I d like to take tonight to unwind some more. Abby shot a sidelong glance at her mates grinning
they sat up straighter. She turned back to Rebecca.
 How s tomorrow? Abby asked.
 Perfect! Ma, can you watch Aidhan for me? Rebecca swiveled in her chair and gave her mother-in-
law the pouty face. Ma looked at Rebecca concern on her face.
 Of course I will, but you girls be careful.
 Becca, no. That place is dangerous, Aleks said, sounding more agitated.
 I have a voice recorder to do EVP work. Do you still have your night vision camera that you use for
tracking the little furballs you study? Rebecca asked, still ignoring her mate.
 Yup, though I don t know how effective it will be in daylight. Abby bit into her sandwich and
moaned loudly. The sweetness of the peppers blended perfectly with the sausage that held just a hint
heat. The potatoes had soaked up every single flavor that was currently singing in harmony in her
 I know, right? Ma is the best cook ever. Rebecca sighed happily.
 Rebecca, seriously, that place is creepy. Aleks wrapped both arms around his mate and pulled her
his lap.
 Aleks had the shit scared out of him in that house when we were kids, Rian said, frowning.
 Aww my poor honey bear. Rebecca turned and peppered his face with kisses. Abby noticed the
man didn t turn away, but soaked up her attention.
So cute!
 We ll be careful, I promise. Scout s honor. Rebecca held up her hand with her fingers split in a
 V. Aleks just closed his eyes and sighed.
Yup, that man knew the score, poor devil.
 Okay, who else is up for some ghost hunting? Abby asked. The diner got quiet.
 Ashby is coming and so is Sebastian, Rebecca announced, volunteering the two men.
 I don t know, Rebecca, Liam said, wrapping an arm around his mate.
Ashby had gone white as a sheet.
 Me? he squeaked.
How have they survived nearly a year of Rebecca? Then again, they didn t have me here egging
 Ashby, I think you ll be perfect for this. Abby nodded sagely.
 If you really think I can help. Ashby turned to his mate who was scowling at the entire diner.
 I ll feel better about you going after I am introduced to the young woman that is apparently mated to
my child, Gabriel said, his voice sounding hurt. Immediately Rhys popped out of his chair like a
the-box and walked to stand before his prince.
 My prince, may I have the honor of introducing Abigail Wright, the third in my ménage mating. Rhys
gave a regal bow. Abby stood and walked over to Rhys, taking his hand. Moe also stood and took a
behind Abby, resting his hands on her shoulders for support. The prince was terribly intimidating
when he
was in protective mode.
Ashby elbowed Gabriel in the ribs and stood with their son in his arms. He rushed over to hug Rhys.
 Oh Rhys, I m so happy for you. Fate has blessed you twice. I know I ve only just met her but I just
know you ll be happy together. Ashby gave Abby a one-armed hug. Abby stared at the tiny, solemn
face staring at her from Ashby s arms.
She stared at him just as solemnly, and then suddenly stuck her tongue out at him.
 Bleh! The baby s eyes widened before a tinkling giggle filled the diner. Gabriel moved faster than
Abby could track to stare down at his son. Both Ashby and Gabriel looked surprised.
 It s the first time we have heard him laugh. He s such a serious little man. Ashby dabbed his eyes.
Gabriel s eyes were glowing an azure blue.
 He looks just like you, Abby commented.
 Oh Ashers, he has the most contagious laugh, Rebecca said. Abby turned and sure enough the entire
diner was grinning ear to ear.
Abby, Rhys and Moe went back to their seats. Abby turned to face Ashby.
 So you re in, right? Ashby took a deep breath.
 There s no such things as ghosts right? he asked, looking over to Gabriel, who noticeably refused to
 Right, Gabriel? Ashby asked, swallowing hard.
 I m sure nothing there will harm you, mon ange. 
Abby grinned at his response and looked over to Rebecca.
 Score! they said together.
Abby looked at Gabriel and then Ashby, and had a thought.
 If shifter blood affects vampires, how come you re not all addicted? she asked. Gabriel smiled and
looked at Rhys, who nodded.
 You are correct, normally shifter blood is quite addictive to vampires. However, if Fate chooses a [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]