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move on to the
subject of the theft before more questions of an uncomfortable nature
Sherem nodded slightly in acknowledgement.  Jorge, we must review the
surveillance records for the last twelve hours. It will be slow going, who
would like to
take the first four; we must find the thief and the Angels Gate before it can
 I will review the entirety of the data , I should have been more vigilant,
Prince, Jorge admitted.
Sherem noted his captain s dejected demeanor and felt like a heel. He
couldn t
confide that the whole exercise had been set up just for this occurrence.
 There is only so
much any of us can do, Jorge, you cannot take the blame for someone else s
Each person chooses his own path to honor or dishonor. I will come spell you
later this
afternoon and Bran can assist, as well. He has keener eyesight than we mere
Bran ruffed in acknowledgement then followed the brothers as they made their
way to Sherem s quarters to consider their next move. Things were going as
planned and
would now become more dangerous. Sherem knew that Bran would stay silently
by his
side at all times& unless he managed to corral the female of his desire; then
Bran would
guard their privacy. He fought a grin as he made his plans for that evening.
That evening Tula propelled a reluctant Nadia into the officer s loun ge.
had not left her cabin since her rescue three days before. Her injuries on
the outside were
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ABC Amber Palm Converter,
healed but the ones inside would take considerably longer. She felt exposed,
and embarrassed. Nadia wondered how many had witnessed the scene with Dakar,
even felt awkward meeting Dakar, her almost-brother. She wanted to burrow in
her room
for the rest of the journey but Tula would have none of it. The tiny tinker
bell had turned
Jorge watched as the two beauties entered, causing male eyes, tongues, and
appendages to protrude. Tula s diminutive frame, dark, curling tresses, and
lively violet
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eyes were a perfect counterpoint to Nadia s tall willowy figure, liquid Amber
eyes and
hair flowing smoothly to the base of her back in matching deep, golden glory.
body language shouted from opposite spectrums, as well, and Jorge had to
smile. Tula s
every move whispered of sensual delights wh ile Nadia s proclaimed aloof
They eclipsed everything beautiful and desirous in a female and every male
felt the
power of it. After they were seated, the horde descended offering to bring
food, spirits,
or anything else attainable. When the waiter made to fight h is way through,
the captain
could contain his laughter no longer. At that moment, he was infinitely
grateful to his
lifemate, whom he cherished even more than his ship. He sounded a whistle to
and ordered the crew back to their stations. Nadia nodded her appreciation.
Nadia shivered.  Thank the heavens they re gone.
 They were only expressing their appreciation for your beauty, you should be
flattered, Tula commented.
 Your beauty, you mean, Nadia corrected.
 My friend, you are the loveliest thing I have ever encountered and with my
position at the palace I have seen many. Why do you question your fairness
when it
proclaims itself with every line of your body and radiates from within; it is
no wonder
Sherem has thoughts for no other but you.
 Oh, Tula, Nadia groaned.  You don t understand; the only thou ghts he
entertains are those pertaining to my lineage and natural resources.
Tula exuded an unlady -like snort and Nadia started with surprise making Tula
laugh raucously through her reply.  I have no doubt that your natural
resources are
exactly what he is after. Nadia s confusion turned to understanding and she
too began to
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ABC Amber Palm Converter,
 T-that is not what I meant, Nadia clarified a minute later, relaxing for the
time in days with the outlet of her laughter.  No, she croaked, wiping her
eyes and
clearing her throat.  No, Tula, he is only interested in Gattonias Assyllis.
Nefar handles
the treating and distribution of it galaxy wide. It has enriched their
economy and helped
their people immensely. In mating with me, Nefar s future will be assured.
That is why
he pursues me.
Tula studied her.  Are you so naïve in the ways of males? After a moment
nodded and added under her breath,  Yes, I can see that you are.
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Lil Gibson
 Nadia, Sherem is besotted with you  obsessed. I am his pleasurer and would
know. Tula checked to be sure of their privacy and lowered her voice to a
whisper.  I
will tell you something in utmost confidence. I have never been breeched. I
Nadia s eyes bugged and her mouth fell open.  But that can t be, you have
Sherem s pleasurer for a long while& and I saw you that day. Her eyes closed
in an
effort to block the vision.
Tula sought to erase the look of pain arresting her features.  What I told
before is true; you saw a Fluerevitae relaxation technique and nothing more;
our bonding
centers have never intertwined. The Jasperi are taught from a young age to
use our
bodies to give comfort, pleasure, and healing in a myriad of ways. None of
methods bring shame or embarrassment but enrichment and knowledge . The only [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]